Saturday, May 25, 2013

... follow his lead

I have waited for awhile now, watching the news, before giving an opinion. Not that my opinions carry any weight or have any significant value, I merely wanted to get as many facts possible before blundering into the mainstream with personal thoughts.
We are in big trouble. From what I have read in the Bible coupled with is on the television screens each day, I really have a great concern for where we are headed as a country. Now don't get me wrong, I really haven't ever cared for soapbox statements for the most part but if we as Christians don't speak out now, where will we end up? What's to become of the people that love God and are called according to his purpose? The beginning of that scripture says, "All things work together for the good..."
The leadership is nil and the honesty factor has all but disappeared from public arenas from top to bottom.
Do we just sit by and not say anything? Can we? I can't. Anyone that knows me understands that I seldom keep my opinions to myself and have no problem addressing issues as they are encountered. It may be a flaw in my character or just having a big mouth, but I really think we need to take action. As to what action, I am certainly open for any and all suggestions.
The climate is such in our capitals that anyone with half a mind can probably get about anything they set their hearts and minds on, except Christians. 

The evil one is working overtime in every area.  His relentless pursuit of good is gaining momentum by the day. Not everyone sees what we see as Christians because we have been given back our sight and senses when we asked God to take over in our lives and make things happen as he originally designed them.
 I realize that there are only a hand full that read this and I also understand how hard it may be to do anything from where you are standing at this point, but anything is better than nothing.
Pray. Read. Listen and then pray again. God can and will direct those of us that care enough to follow his lead.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

"nothins' better than an answered prayer"

Today I thought, "duty calls but so does nature", and wondered which one do you answer first? I would probably choose nature if I had to make that choice but one never knows. 'I would also have to add the 'the spur of the moment' often determines my actions; or whatever I feel to be most important at the time.I don't know if it was the food I ate the night before or the odd surroundings but I dreamed some very weird things last night. One of the dreams was about a group of people that lived in a big house or a large compound and everyone was either deranged or dishonest except for a small handful. One guy tried to get me alone in a room with vicious rats hiding in the walls and another was up to no good involving the air conditioning system. I don't know but it could have been the strawberry cobbler.
I don't like it when I dream weird things. and to make matters worse, there are always several 'chapters' during the dream sequence with each one being totally different from the one before and the one after. It's like putting on your overalls backwards; nothing seems to fit.

We had another good day at the Trade Show/ Flea Market. Jack was pretty sunburned from the day before and the crowd was twice the size of yesterday. I sold product at the motel as we sat having breakfast in the lobby. A lady from Mississippi bought $200 worth. She asked for prayer as we were leaving and so I grabbed her hand and prayed right there. She is a Baptist and I don't think she was quite ready to 'let it all hang out' right there in the lobby but I did anyway. I believe that you need to pray right when the person asks for prayer; otherwise it could go undone and then where would they be? No prayer... no results, that's the way I look at it.
I'm glad the wind was easier on us today as well. I think we had some 40 or 50 MPH gusts yesterday. It took down several booths near us and we all pitched in to help them get back up and going.
I'll be happy to be home tomorrow night. I so miss my sweet woman. I know, I'm spoiled. Enough said.
One good thing has come from the trip thus far. I have gained new perspective regarding the Word. I know that I don't read near enough scripture. I have been seeking out Proverbs and doing the daily reading as I return to the room for rest. It has done so much good; even setting in motion a new desire to look up things that come to mind in relation to circumstance. I used to do that all the time and  don't know why I ever stopped. Silly me. Hit me with a hammer.
I recall a line from one of our songs; "nothins' better than a answered prayer."

Thursday, May 2, 2013

...had I not reported it?

I pulled into the parking lot at Jack's office about 8 am; right on time. He was fumbling with a bag, trying to get it into place with several other bags and boxes he had lined up by the front door awaiting my arrival.
"Good morning", I quipped as I exited the car and stepped inside.
"I think we ought to put this in the back first and then this ...and then this...", was his reply. Never one to waste words, unless it was while making a sale, Jack was deep in thought struggling to keep everything organized. I noticed a tiredness in his manner and took note of it wondering how much rest he had been able to garner during the previous days.
"I guess that about does it", I said as I closed the back door to the Suburban.
"I know I'm forgetting something but we need to get on the road. I'll just have to buy whatever I don't have when we get there." He seemed resigned to the fact that he hadn't had enough time to plan the trip like he had done so many times before.
"We'll do fine", I answered, hoping to lighten the load a bit.
What is it about travel that brings on stress? Getting out of the comfort zone is probably a big part of it.

I was awakened by Jack's announcement that I only had fifteen more minutes before I had to get up. That would make it 5:45 am. We had agreed to get up at 6am the night before but since Jack had been awake since 4am I guess he couldn't help himself. There's only so much self restraint.
Our trip to Texas had been planned for almost a month. Jack had asked me to help him work a big Flea Market in Canton, Texas and I jumped on the chance to get out of the park for a few days. I relished the idea of getting a break from the boredom of trailer maintenance. The positives far out weighed the negatives as far as I was concerned and so I volunteered to be on hand for the four day event. I wanted to be around Jack anyway. He is always a good source of information even if most of it is historical. I more or less look on him as a second father so the trip gave me a chance to enjoy his company for awhile before having to return to the tediums of mobile home management.

Just now we are back in our room at the motel waiting for the rain to subside, if it does. The forecast was for a slight chance of rain yesterday but the "slight" changed to probable this morning and now we are listening to the rain on the rooftop and watching the local weather channel.

I know all of this is so very exciting to whoever may be reading this, but I couldn't pass up the chance to chronicle an adventure of this magnitude. Think of what you would have missed had I not reported it?