Tuesday, July 29, 2014

...it just comes out like bragging.

The idea of a children's radio station had been in the back of my mind for some time now. I had wanted someone else to do it, but I knew... it would be me, in the end. That's okay, I rather like the idea of being a kid again anyway. I can act silly and have it be "my job".... So here we are at day 7 and counting, setting up the music, recording the promos, downloading and formatting what has to be formatted. Learning another program is in order as well. It will be a tremendous help as we begin assembling the 'parts' of the programming. That will leave me more time to do what I want to do.

I want to spend the majority of my time recording and producing the special programming. That in and of itself is the crux of the station anyway. We will sink or swim according to the quality we put out and I definitely want to do more than just the basics. This can be a whole new world if we do it right.

I have a lot to learn about children's music and stories and so forth. I have been on the outside of that 'realm' for a long time. There are so many choices; I had no idea even existed and I can see it taking some time to get 'acquainted' with everything there is to offer.
I am excited to be doing it. There are so many positives related to it, one of which I dearly love. I get to work full time for the Lord, plus I get to use all the gifts and talents he has given me to make it all work.
 I know that sounds a bit like bragging when I read back over it but it's not. I'm so overwhelmed with the aspect, it just comes out like bragging.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

...not only in numbers...

I like it when I get down to the finishing touches on a project. When I can see the 'light at the end of the tunnel' the satisfaction of doing a good job starts to sit comfortably in my spirit.
I am about to complete the poetry book and send it off to the printer. It has been a long process but I have enjoyed almost every aspect of it immensely.
The author is new to publishing but I have great expectations for her. She has the right spirit about her writing and doesn't cut corners to get things done. I like that. There is an innocence combined with a 'knowing' in her words. That makes for better copy all the way around.
If all goes as planned the book will be in the hands of the printer by Monday or Tuesday and we'll have the proof in a few days.
We have looked forward to this for many days. The anticipation is mounting. I only hope the outcome matches the feelings and we see a successful end to the process.
So many times, the hype doesn't match the reality and the letdown ends up deflating the spirits 'energy' which ultimately brings about a depression of sorts.
I see so many discouraged artists. They have no place to go, no place to really play or display if you will, their work in the proper atmosphere. That's why I long to see a "Songwriter's Sanctuary" here in the Oklahoma city area. A place for original artists to congregate and share and perform and grow and thrive like we did back in the 60's in the hundreds of coffeehouses of the time. The public supported it and loved it and the artists found the recognition they needed and longed for that inspired and validated their talents. That environment 'grew' new material daily and the artists an audience grew not only in numbers but in quality.

...who he says he is.

I'm feeling lazy today. The hot summer temps have been rolled back by an unusual cold front, bringing in the most wonderful coolness. The slight mist is quite refreshing indeed.

After our short vacation to Dallas last week, I should be well rested and ready for the 'fray' once again but instead, I am lethargic and hesitant to begin any real work. I don't like inactivity but I can't seem to 'get my motor running' toward the next effort. Even my thinking is slow to a certain extent.
There is quite a lot to do when I stop and think abut it. I just can't 'get in gear' for some reason.

I have been praying in the spirit quite a bit of late. I find myself engaged almost every time I am in the car. That more or less has been my prayer closet for many years anyway, so I think I'm moving in the right direction in that department anyway. The multitude of thoughts and variety of people that cross my mind when I'm praying seems to have multiplied as well. I 'randomly' pass over the people's faces as I pray. To me, that seems to indicate the need to lift them up to the Father for their particular need and circumstance even if I don't know what the need is at that moment in time. I just trust Him to discern and act as I continue praying.
There is a great relief for me and comfort when I pray in the spirit. Its as though I can release everything into the Master's hands and not have to worry about the outcome.

I think prayer in general is designed that way. First we must learn who is Master and who is servant. Then we rely on what is in the Master's plan for our lives, and hopefully, wait with patience for it to come about as we follow the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. Its simple and direct enough and even easy to do, if we trust God to be who he says he is.

Monday, July 7, 2014

... when the time comes

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God...."

It isn't easy to keep going nowadays when it seems as though all odds are against you. I worked hour on end on the radio station only to see it crumble and fall. My partner pulled out even before the station went off the air...giving up with little to no effort.
Why is it so easy for people to abandon the work? It was, after all 'his vision', not mine. It's so much harder to start over and so much easier to build on something that's already there. Foundations are the hardest part of the building pprocess.

I'll go on to the other work God has presented me with and try to reason this out in my mind. I had such high hopes and such confidence in the vision and yet it still fell apart like a house of cards in the wind.

We have to be more careful with what we choose to do; what we take on as tasks and projects. The time it takes, the investment of resources, the personal involvements and the lives we effect are all tied up in the effort. If it fails, all of those ingredients are wasted and there is nothing to show for all that time and work and investment. The emotional toll is high as well. I can't begin to evaluate what this has taken out of my 'creative spirit' that will never be replaced.
I will look hard and long at this. We can't waste time on temporary things... the kingdom cannot wait for us to 'catch up' and be ready for ..."when the time comes."