Friday, August 8, 2014

...planning the party

How far have we come? How far do we yet have to go? How long have we waited for things to fall into place that bring success to our lives?  What is the future looking like for those of us that trust the Lord for what we have and will have?
These and many more questions have come up in conversations of late. We are seeing the changes take place that will bring about the end of the age. Time is more and more relative. There is very little of it left.
The more I read and hear from others of like faith and purpose, the more I see it coming to pass, just as God has laid it out in the Word. There is no mistaking the evidence. We are in the last days.
My spirit leaps every time I hear another report on Israel. I am waiting for the signature report on the "new treaty" that will last seven years. That's all I need to hear. I will start planning the party.

Friday, August 1, 2014

...and that's creating new things

I am learning a new software program so I can easily schedule songs on the new internet radio station. I  always expect  problems in the beginning when I begin working with new software and this is certainly no exception. I do think the new software will make things a lot better, but the learning curve is pretty steep for me at this point. I'm going to have be more patient with this program. It has a lot of features and the navigation is pretty specific. To make things even more difficult, the designer isn't very good at communicating instructions. He did well designing the program but he didn't make the tutorials very user friendly and that stretches out the time it takes to get a handle on what is going on.
It's a lot of fun getting everything the way it needs to be to make the station 'come alive', but I don't much care for the 'techy' stuff it takes to set everything up. I like the writing, recording and music creation side so much more. That comes after everything is in place and running properly.
Isn't that the way of things in general? We often have to wait for the 'setup' and we all know that patience is most certainly a virtue no matter who you are.
What I am enjoying most of all is the freedom to do what I love.... and that's creating new things.