Thursday, October 30, 2014

....we the people

We The People.
What does it mean when we say “We, the people”?
Does it mean that, as “the people”, we have certain rights to say and do certain things as free human beings in a free society? Or have we perhaps traveled so far away from that austere and humble beginning that we now overlook some of “the people” that should have these rights?
Have we committed ourselves wholly to this premise, planning carefully to include all citizens in these rights and privileges? The same rights and privileges that we so proudly flaunt on the global stage as being available to all?
Let’s take a moment and look at some of our citizens and their conditions to see if we really are who we say we are. This venture into reality may paint a somewhat different picture.
After every war there has been a time of rebuilding, reshaping and rehabilitation; a time of rest, if you will. People on either side of the conflict have had definite advantages or disadvantages, and close observation easily tells us where compassion truly lies.
On the one hand, we pour our time and hard earned resources into projects that seemingly make great strides toward healing, all the while leaving holes in the tapestry of the moment, only to see far too many seeping through the cracks, falling on hard times.
Often times our best efforts are jaded by the greed of the very facilitators we have entrusted to carry out those intricately designed and well-funded plans. We fall short of the mark leaving disappointed lives scattered about the landscape like so many forgotten leaves in autumn. Is it any wonder that we look back in disgust at those uncompleted dreams and complain to the snoring that sit by doing nothing because apathy has overtaken pride, lulling them to sleep.
We, the people, have changed. When leadership polls for answers and hides among the laws we are without leaders. When truth is a variable the only constant is change. We need stability not more change. 
Our borders are fluid and without definition. We no longer contain as a sovereign nation the stable ingredients of right over wrong and good over evil. Our moral compass has lost its magnetic north and now swings about wildly without true direction. Minorities rule majorities with vague innuendo and dictate policy, overstepping their place and overruling true order.
The inevitable reckoning will be swift and without warning, because warning has not worked. It has only served to become fodder for the canons of the unscrupulous that spin their webs of deceit in the hearts of the innocent and unsuspecting. The toll will be entire, save for the remnant and that only by the fulfilling of the Word.

And so, we, the people are in trouble. We are like the unruly child that will not see the truth that is so evidently displayed before us. We choose the candy of sin and deprivation over the healing bread of righteousness and truth.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

wasssz-up? .... at least it's not my fault....

I received a phone call this morning informing me that all of my websites are down.
This has only happened one other time, so I am interested to find out the cause.
More often than not, in the past, I would be standing on my head to know "the reason" and not liking the wait involved in getting in touch with tech support. At this point it's down from 28 minutes to 10.... and counting.
However, this time I have a comfortable calmness about me and seem more or less at peace with the process. I must be gaining some ground in the patience department. Kewl.
So now I am wondering what I will be like once I know the reason for the lapse in service. Is it my fault or someone else's? We'll see.
The past few weeks I have been "under the weather". My doctor tells me I have developed two 50% blockages in my heart. That makes 4 altogether if you count the two that nearly killed me 15 years ago.
I had been in for  a checkup about 4 or 5 years ago and the Doc told me that the good side of my heart had grown blood vessels over to the bad side and restored the blood flow. Although its unusual its not unheard of and yet I consider it a miracle considering all that's transpired in the past.
God really knows how to do things. He makes a 'machine' that can fix itself. Pretty clever indeed.
I can't imagine why people don't believe in him more than they do. My life alone should convince even the hardiest of agnostics that God is real and alive and working every day to make our lives better and more complete.
The servers are down, according to the Host company. At least it's not my fault this time

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

...breathe in... breathe out....

The news is bad. I just found out that the man I was helping, not the bad guy, the good guy, has been abandoned in a small town about 50 miles away. The bad guy took all of his money and belongings and fled in the night.
I am just out of the hospital and this has only added to my woes. It really takes a toll on your 'spirit' when things like this happen. I have no way of getting to my friend to bring him home and I really don't know if he has a place to come to in the event that I have transportation for him. This is all so disheartening. I had such high hopes that this program would bring light to the situation of the veterans but it has only served to be a fiasco for all involved.
I haven't always been an angel, to say the least, but I have always tried to help when I could. I suppose my grandmother did a good job in that department. The thought of seeing someone in a wheelchair taken advantage of is not setting well with me at this point. I have to keep a tight grip on my emotions just now. My condition calls for peace and quiet, but it's not forthcoming. I have an upheaval inside that calls for retribution, knowing that's not the answer.
I know I'll get past this stage but I am not liking what I feel inside right now. The 'old John' wants to surface and make amends for my friend and yet, there in the depths, is that little voice whispering, "forgive". That helps. I can look to that and reach for peace and tranquility and overcome this slowly rising tide of bitterness that's trying to override the good.
"breathe in.... breathe out...."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

...and righteousness

I tried to help someone. I saw a need and did what I could. It turned out that there was dishonesty in the mix. One of the people has a bad record of scamming people and I found out about it after I had built them a website and put my name on it.
I am saddened by the way this man is going about making money from people that have big hearts and want to help others. His list of deeds precedes him and people are calling me telling me to look him up on the internet.
I did. It's sad. He has hurt a lot of people and it looks as though he isn't about to stop.

I know that sooner or later it will be made public knowledge, but to what end? He will only go somewhere else and begin all over again...hurting others with his greed; finding yet another scam to play.
It makes me wonder how they do it. How can a person do such things to another person? What has happened to decency and honor ...and righteousness?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

...out there to be attained

I think I've overloaded. I keep running into myself coming around the corner....
Seriously, a person can do too much if he's not careful.
I ran into two guys yesterday. They are on their way to Washington DC to see Obama.
I don't know that they will get in to see him or not, but they are Americans and he is working for us, right? It shouldn't be too much to ask for a real Army vet to get an audience with the 'prez', if he has an important enough agenda; especially something that can affect all the vets.
The medical, financial and spiritual situation for our warriors is abysmal. They risk life and limb for our country and then get mistreated when it comes time to get them the help they need; that's just wrong.
I served from June 1966 to September 1969 in the Marine Corps. I wouldn't trade one moment of it, for anything else. I would serve again, if needed and gladly. I know the reasons people serve. Some can and should be displayed; others shouldn't . We have to keep freedom, it's the only hope we have when it comes to existence. Evil would destroy all if left unchecked.
The forces of evil grow stronger daily. We have to find ways to overcome that evil and show the world the beauty of freedom. Choice has gone awry. We used to choose things that were wholesome and fulfilling. Somehow the idea has become skewed. Choice was meant to be for 'the good of all', and that has certainly changed. Selfishness has replaced selflessness creating a vacuum of sorts that sucks everything down to the lower levels.

I have taken over the website for the two guys going to DC. I want to be a part of something that can make a difference for good and introduce the higher ideals of man. That's what drives me; the good that is still out there to be attained.