Saturday, April 27, 2024

Watching the skies

 I've been seeing more and more clouds moving in and out of our area today. The weather threat are high for severe thindwerstorms and possible tornadoes. It's that time of the year again. We tend to get  lot more coverage by the weatgher guys as well. They are all vying for our favor as they hype the reports with ominous sentences and wild gestures. It would be funny except for the chancxe of them being right is very high and I would hate for anyone to get hurt because they didn't see what was coming in thier direction in time.

We act out or lives like the weather. What seems possible doesn't always materialize and yet there are those times when things get tough and we find ourselves in trouble. Is it our fault or are we just targets ripe for the taking by the enemies of our souls. I loathe the way people treat each other. The hate is so real today. When I was young our neighbors all knew each other and cared for each other and protected each other. Now a days, the neighbors are strangers for the most part; less apt to help when issues approach because they don't want to 'get involved'.  Is getting involved so bad? It certainly can be, but we are told in the Word to do just that; get involved and help each other in time of need. It doesn't have to be a crisis. It can just be something as easy as holding the ladder for someone so they don't fall and hurt themselves cleaning out a stopped up gutter. That used to be a common thing; the 'helping'. Not anymore. Our lives have turned inward and guarded. We put up barriers that separate us from one another in order to seclude our lives into nice neat compartments of safety. That shuts us off from life in general. No interaction, no learning what the other is thinking or feeling or trying to accomplish. How sad.

I find the outgoing person a lot more interesting than the introvert. The gregarious person lifts others up in spirit. The introvert drags others down and 'leeches' the life out of the room with the negativity. It's alright to be timid but it's not alright to hold back feelings and opinions when it comes to healthy relationships. We must be more open and honest about our interactions and intentions. If the truth is foremost, the environment is  more 'open' and fresh and  capable of producing a positive outcome in our dialogs with each other. "Communication is the key!"

I look to the skies for what may be coming. Inside, I look to the 'skies' to see what is coming as well. A healthy relationship with God can keep the lines of communication open and fresh. We have to have that to survive in the current conditions we find ourselves. Danger is all around and it can take a terrible turn in a moment's notice. No warning, just sudden attacks of debilitating force designed to crush us; crush our spirit; crush our progress and momentum. Don't go about life in a stupor, keep on the look out for those 'fiery darts' coming your way because they will come.  Be ready and knock them down like you would an errant baseball coming your way suddenly out of the blue. Keep watching.