Thursday, February 10, 2011

...crunch, crunch, crunch

The driveway was a bit more thawed out today.
I suppose the rising temps had a lot to do with it, but as I got into the Burb, I still felt cold and longed for the warmer days ahead.
I feel as though we have been 'submerged' in a way and not in a comfortable way at that.
I listened intently to the conversations at the 7-11 as I stirred my coffee. It tasted good going down and I was immediately reminded of the "monthly cost factor" and smiled. Jack has been instilling in me more and more of his idiosyncratic ways, one of which is to multiply everything by 30, giving you a monthly cost on what you are buying on a daily basis. I suppose it is a good thing to be conscious of expenditures but sometimes I feel like certain things are more than a mere 'expense'. Some things are 'creature comforts' or a therapy of sorts that keep one going.
I for one definitely believe in 'treats'. I see some people with big frowns on their faces all the time and I tend to think that they don't 'treat' themselves to things. I'm not talking about extravagant items; no not at all. I'm saying that you need to exhort yourself once in awhile with a coffee from Starbucks or 7-11 and enjoy it on the way in to the office. Start your day off right. It doesn't have to be everyday, but at least a couple of times a week would be nice wouldn't it?
The brightness of the sun on the snow is only good for one thing; an instant headache.
I reached for my sunglasses only to discover that they are not where I thought I left them. Drat!
I hate it when things are not where I expect them to be, don't you?
A friend came by for a visit. He is feeling the pains of being uncomfortable in his role within the ministry. I have yet to see anyone that doesn't develop that issue over time. For some it comes after about a year, but for the most part it happens within the first 6 months of being placed into position. The nervous tension of learning the job dissipates and the person settles in and that's when it happens. They look around and begin to find fault. Especially if the ones around them are doing the same thing. It has a domino effect on people. But you know what? Bless 'em. They have a right to question and they have a right to speak their minds and they most definitely have a right to an opinion; so I think i'l just leave it at that and let the people in charge sort out the rest of it.
I got out of the Burb and walked into the church and right up to my office. How blessed am I to have so many things to do? How blessed am I to have so many friends to interact with on a daily basis? How blessed indeed.

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