Saturday, March 16, 2013 shouldn't take but a miniute

I just go off the phone with my computer tech.
"The machine is ready."
Di's computer went down a few weeks ago and I took it in for a check up. She hadn't run the anti-virus as she should and so it got infected; badly.
After several trips into town and about $300 in parts I think; 'think' mind you, that we will finally get it back.
Each time I talked to the tech he would say it was ready... except for a few 'simple, last minute tests' and we should be able to come  'that day' and pick it up.
"It shouldn't take but a minute"....
The trip is about thirty miles one way. After my fourth trip into town to take more parts, I began to figure out the actual cost of this little adventure and if I take into consideration the money, my time, Di's time, the tech's time and food; you have to eat, I will have spent a little under the national debt. Okay, not quite, but close.
Isn't it funny how we seem to know what to do and then "it" happens. Whatever "it" is you can figure on a higher cost factor.
I bought a guitar pedal, no wait, Di bought a guitar pedal. It was supposed to 'create' the sound I have been searching for on my acoustic guitar for over thirty years. Not that easy. I had to add an Acoustic amp to the scenario and I still don't have the sound. A friend of mine bought the exact same pedal and an acoustic amp (different brand) and got the exact sound I want. Am I going to have to buy the other amp to get what I want or can I 'set' the pedal and amp settings and get the sound?
Time will tell, but I can almost certainly predict that it will cost  a little more in the end.
Di is on her way to pick up the computer as I write this little note.
She is taking a food basket along with her to give to the tech as a blessing and pick up the topic of my choice for the day, and return once again; shouldn't take but a minute.

Friday, March 8, 2013

... for far better venues

I awoke late. Not that it mattered, I just wanted to be up and about much earlier to get things done around the park and be able to get to the studio.
I am pleased that I have more to do in the studio these days. I have been studying HTML of late. For those of you that don't know what that means, it's short for computer code. I didn't realize how much thought has gone into making computers work. The genius behind what goes on is mind boggling to say the least. I hope to catch up a bit in this all important area and be able to make better websites for everyone in the not too distant future. I am going to concentrate on specific areas instead of the broader spectrum I have been addressing. I don't much care for the 'techy' stuff that has all the math in it. I am drawn to the 'artsy' part and the musical part; the poetic.
None the less I have to learn some of the 'techy' stuff to get to the artsy.... wouldn't ya know it?
But that's okay to, I'll do what I have to in order to get there. I am thoroughly fed up with the manual labor part; that goes without saying. This old body has done it's share in that department. It's time for some 'brain work' and let the old 'brawn' rest.
If all goes well, within the next few months I'll have made enough progress to put the manual labor job aside for far better venues.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

... where does it go?

I looked up; the clock had 'jumped' another hour without my knowing it. I knew I was in trouble again when the phone rang.
"You said 'a half hour' over an hour ago...."
"I know, I know I just lost track of time.... I'm sorry."
You would think after almost thirty years of marriage I would be able to keep better track of time when it comes to making it home for dinner on time. But I don't. I only seem to get worse as times passes. It's a good thing I have such an amazing woman to take care of me the way she does. And it's a wonder my butt doesn't 'fall off'' or get left somewhere... if you consider the old saying about "losing your butt".
I suppose I love the work so much I just get lost in the moment and it turns into several hours before I realize it. I don't have this problem when I'm under a trailer fixing a water leak. Time drags on like a bad cold when I'm fixing leaks.
I just read for over an hour and it seems as though I just sat down a few minutes ago. I'm studying HTML code to become a better web builder.With this 'work', I never seem to have enough time.
Have you ever actually thought about time? How does it work? How does it measure itself? When does it know when it's late... or early for that matter?
And when it's gone.... where does it go?