Sunday, March 3, 2013

... where does it go?

I looked up; the clock had 'jumped' another hour without my knowing it. I knew I was in trouble again when the phone rang.
"You said 'a half hour' over an hour ago...."
"I know, I know I just lost track of time.... I'm sorry."
You would think after almost thirty years of marriage I would be able to keep better track of time when it comes to making it home for dinner on time. But I don't. I only seem to get worse as times passes. It's a good thing I have such an amazing woman to take care of me the way she does. And it's a wonder my butt doesn't 'fall off'' or get left somewhere... if you consider the old saying about "losing your butt".
I suppose I love the work so much I just get lost in the moment and it turns into several hours before I realize it. I don't have this problem when I'm under a trailer fixing a water leak. Time drags on like a bad cold when I'm fixing leaks.
I just read for over an hour and it seems as though I just sat down a few minutes ago. I'm studying HTML code to become a better web builder.With this 'work', I never seem to have enough time.
Have you ever actually thought about time? How does it work? How does it measure itself? When does it know when it's late... or early for that matter?
And when it's gone.... where does it go?

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