Tuesday, July 16, 2013

... when it wonders

I just finished a DVD for a friend. Her sister passed away about two weeks ago and I was asked to video the service. 

I was doing my usual concentration thing while the eulogies were being presented trying to be as unobtrusive as possible when one statement the Pastor gave made me stop in my tracks.He said, "Sharon was born in May of 1949..." That's the year I was born and almost the month. I was born in April.

I had never thought much about it before but I realize now there are a lot of people dying in their 60's lately.

What day will I die? How will I die? Will there be anyone there to see me go or will I be alone and have to wait to be discovered? Will there be a lot of people at my funeral? There were certainly a lot of people at Sharon's funeral. The whole church filled up and on a weekday at that. It's hard enough to  get people to come to church on Sunday much less on a Thursday. She was greatly loved and will be sorely missed.What  better testimony to a life well lived than a church full of loving family and friends to see you off?

The odds are that I will live awhile longer I know. I'm not that anxious to go, even though I know there is a far better place awaiting.
Funny how the mind wonders ...when it wonders.

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