Wednesday, February 5, 2014

...but then again ...maybe not

The cold weather has been quite bitter here. People all over the country are effected.
When I heard the forecast late last year that we were in for a colder Winter than usual, I had no idea it would be so severe.
I had an outside paint job that ordinarily takes about four days last almost three weeks. I had to wait several times for temperatures to get over 40 degrees to be able to apply paint. Thankfully I had a good client that let me off the hook for the touch up until better weather or I would still be waiting to get paid.
I know that things can be difficult to say the least. Life has become unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous.
I don't know how others make it in today's world, especially those that don't have the Lord in their lives to oivercome the bad things that occur. 
We have a neighbor that typifies my last statement. They have several children and they both work. But for whatever reason they are always in the 'hole'. Their rent is always late. They have breakdowns and  "accidents" and chaos more or less rules. They are nice people. They work hard and they love their children dearly, but nothing seems to go right for them. 
I sold the husband a van. He was supposed to pay me every two weeks and did for the first few payments until the Ball-joint went out on the interstate and someone stole the van before he could get it off of the highway and to a shop. The old saying comes to mind about being "snakebit". Now they are separated because of a drinking issue and I'll probably never see the rest of the money for the van.
That's alright. God knows best. I'll leave it up to him and see what happens. I tried to be a good neighbor and help them out. And I won't hold it against him for getting into a fix he had no control over. Life just does things to some people that I don't understand. It probably won't matter in the long run anyway, but it sure would be nice to at least know a little more than I do about all of this. But then again.... maybe not

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