Monday, March 17, 2014 all the palaver

If you know something... it's part of you, part of the 'library' in your mind where you keep all the 'stuff'.

I began working on a project for a person that has a real gift, it's just not very well developed ...yet. They've been doing this 'gift' for some time now and evidently others have told them how 'glorious' their work is. But it's not. Any unbiased observer would immediately see 'the holes' in the gift and probably opt out on buying product for that very reason.
I really wanted to help them, so I did what I thought was best for the project and sent the first part back, for them to see what it would be like when completed.
By the response I got you would have thought that I shot their granny in the butt with a bb gun.

I won't be "helping out" for awhile.
I have come to the conclusion that it's better if I don't get too involved with a person's "baby". The riggers of reshaping another person's work is hard enough, given the fact that you have to keep the original idea intact. And having the honesty to 'critique' a work takes a strong stomach and even stronger nerves.
Like most, I have a hard time receiving criticism, whether good or bad. I like to get good reviews but I sometimes wonder if they are truly sincere or just being kind and then the second guessing begins. Insecurity takes over and I resent having to deal with it at all in the end.
It's much better if I don't know the person. That way I can more easily accept the news for whatever reason and go about my business non the less for wear. But if it's a friend, I worry over the words and play them back and forth in my mind over and over until I come to a conclusion one way or the other.
"Well, they probably meant it but...." I 'justify' and 'clarify' and 'signify'.... oh my, am I becoming obtuse?
I did have a point when I started out here, you know.
It just seemed to get lost all the palaver....

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