Wednesday, December 3, 2014

...only he can

How many times have you found yourself frustrated with the work you are doing? I realized that I was getting more and more uptight about a job I had been doing for a man that lives near us. He had asked me a few months ago to replace the floor below his shower. It had fallen through and needed replacing along with the walls and floor pan. I finally agreed to begin on what I thought would be a short weeks work. As of today I have been on this job almost three weeks. Anything that could go wrong has. Everything is taking 4 times the amount of time I originally thought it would take and the cost has more than doubled. He has been very nice about it all, but I believe he too is getting frustrated and that, of course creates stress for the both of us. No one likes stress.
I have a few things left to do, weather allowing, and I'll finally be done. How does one deal with circumstances like these? I thank God that I have a place to go to get my peace back in times like this. I can get off to myself and just 'veg' with the Lord and let him calm my spirit. Nothing soothes more than that. The stillness and the surety that he is there, applying the salve of comfort and well being only he can.

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