Tuesday, June 27, 2017

....that's what I'm talkin' about

The onslaught has begun. Dianna and I made a commitment to fast and pray in July but already, all hell has broken lose.
I worked on a video until almost 2 am last night for a ministry in India; everything was fine and dandy when I shut down for the night. All I had left to do was transfer the completed work to a thumb drive and deliver it. However when I went to turn on the computer this morning I got, "missing operating system" on the screen. The hard drive had failed. Now the computer has to be taken to the shop for a new hard drive and all the programs will have to be reinstalled. Many of you know what that entails.
Next, I went to remove my van seats to get them ready to go to the upholsterer. I couldn't find any of my deep well sockets anywhere. I ended up buying new ones to get the job done.
When I decided to take a break and have a cup of coffee, the Keurig overflowed and grounds went all over the counter. It's never done that before.
The enemy is definitely at work people. When you decide to get closer to God all of a sudden all the demons kick it up a notch or two, trying your patience and your resolve. I should have seen this coming.
My typical reaction is to say a few choice words under my breath and move on. I just had to laugh.
We're not alone you know. The evil one knows who you are and he is going to make our lives as miserable as he can, yes even killing some in the process if we give him the chance. Anything to keep us from our rightful place with the Master.
Joshua put it best when he said, "As for me and my house, I'm gonna serve the Lord".
That's what I'm talkin' about.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

...that's a commandment not a courtesy

We have to look at ourselves from time to time in the light of day and see who and what we really are becoming as modern day Christians. 
I have been feeling of late that the time has come to make some real changes in my life  and not just the easy ones we all would like to see happen that make our lives better. 
When the mirror sends back an image that isn't favorable we have the tendency to overlook the bad parts and concentrate on the better parts.
However, I haven't even been seeing any good parts lately. Sad.
I have always 'joined the fight' with enthusiasm and vigor but I find both waning a bit. Neither being enthused nor invigorated brings me to one conclusion. It's time for a change. 
I need to get down on my knees and concentrate on what God would have me do and not think about or do anything else until that comes about.
Tonight I stood in front of my church and unloaded on them in a big way. I don't know how they all took it but I had to say some pretty hard things, including some things about apathy and selfishness that probably sounded a little self serving or even egotistic, but it needed to be said.
Our lack of service and commitment has shown up in ways that puts us more in the light of being a social club than a ministry. Again, sad.
I know this post will be more of the same but I truly feel the need to speak up at this point and take more of a stand for my belief.
God intended us to be salt and light. Our words should reflect His temperament and desires rather than our own petty failings. We need to be conduit, streaming the good news of the Gospel of Jesus  Christ to anyone and everyone that will listen at any given moment.
What has become of the strident servants we once were? I include myself in that question.
We have to get back to the business of reaching out to the lost or they will die before they have the chance to repent and be saved. That's a commandment not a courtesy; our service to the King.