Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Our Lives Are Not Our Own

 And what about freedom? 

We seldom see anyone that refers back to the founding fathers. They were certainly a breed apart. Our nation is in deep turmoil; baited into heresy and hate by the evil one. He knows his time grows shorter and shorter. The toll he’s racking up is impressive to say the least. It doesn’t seem as though we want to use the power we have for any good reason. Selfishness is an ‘addicting force’ overcoming our young ones   glued to the glass screens; blinded by ‘shiny things’ that go bump in the night. 

‘Our very lives hang in the balance’ as they say. Hanging is a quite descriptive word. We ‘hang’ on every word someone says. We ‘hang out’ with our friends. We ‘hang on’ when things get so fast that we lose our grip. We ‘hang together’ when found guilty as a group. 

How much longer before ‘the break’, ‘the crash’, the end? Something has to happen. The direction we are going dictates it. It is far more difficult to stop a falling object than a rising one. 

The thoughts and intents of our hearts are more or less ‘out in the open’ these days. “Coming out” has become as much of a sport as it is an action of discovery. People make a show of their darkness; no more hiding or disguising the sin. Rather it’s blatant even and overt to the extreme. The definition of guilt in open display; defiant and brazen and cruel. 

Then how do we overcome? How do we succeed when all else fails? Where do we turn for the answer? Simple; so simple, yet people make it hard, so they don’t have to try. “Oh, it’s too hard...I just can’t do it!” 

For one thing, we aren’t the ones ‘doing it’. God and only God can make the changes that must be made. "Our lives are not our own. We are bought with a price” and that price cost the very blood of the Son of the living God to accomplish. 

Surrender. That’s our only option. We can’t defeat God. The Devil has already lost that battle; long, long ago. What are we thinking when we try it? For some ‘free will’ means total stupidity. I’m reminded of the small Chihuahua that takes on the Bull Mastiff. Who do you think will win? Duh, I ‘doh-no.’ 

Let’s stop fooling ourselves by doing things ‘man’s way’. Search out the answers where they were written down for us so long ago. Where truth originated. Stop thinking we are so much smarter and stronger than everything else and ‘listen’ for the still small voice that leads us to peace and joy and ...freedom ...and salvation. 

“Our lives are not our own...” 

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