Wednesday, July 11, 2012

...the joy of finding out.

I finally got something to work that had been down for awhile. I had built a form for a website awhile back and it just wasn't working. No matter how hard I tried, the crazy thing just would work. After several exchanges with the Tech I was getting discouraged to say the least.

Then the moment came when I realized what I had been doing wrong. I hadn't read the instructions all the way through and I had 'supposed' when I should have been paying attention to the script.

I wrote a post yesterday describing how people don't concentrate when I'm trying to help them and here I was doing the exact same thing. How funny. I needed to take my own advice.

too hot....

The temps in the studio are reaching near the century mark each day. I have to come when the weather is cool so that I can work on the computers  and not over heat them. The Ac has been out for over a month with no end in sight at this point. We are on our second compressor and it went down almost a week ago . The oil was spewing out of it and into the condenser outside.
I know God has a plan. I know that his wisdom is far beyond mine. I also know that I have to be in the right position for God to bless me with what I  feel needs to be done in the studio at this point.
I have recently committed to a long term project but now the chances for it's completion or even it's beginning seem to be dwindling.
What does one do when presented with such overwhelming odds? Pray and believe. When things look the worst I have to opt for faith and trust. There is just no other way for me at this crossroad in my life.
Pray with me, if you will that all will be done in Jesus' name and according to his will and purpose for my life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012's how hot?

What a day. I am getting up early to beat the heat and still ending up in it. Go figure. The temps are scheduled for almost 100 every day for the next several days with no rain in sight. It looks like a repeat of last year. I pray not.
I am getting along with the studio remodel. I anticipate the finish to be within ten days now and am hoping for the dedication to happen on the 6th. I don't expect a big crowd because I'm not inviting one. I only want a few special people to be there. I don't want to sound selfish or prudish but at times like this I am really looking to the Lord to bless it and that's all that really matters to me anyway. No malice here, I do want everyone to enjoy what we are doing.
I pray that the cool breezes find you in good spirits and full of joy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

... at long last

It has been quite some time but I am posting again. I have been working so much on the park that it seems to take every last bit of energy to do the physical tasks that it presents on a daily basis.
Having said that I am more determined than ever to keep the blog in existence and communicate on a much more frequent basis.
Life sets so many things in the way that it really involves a great deal of thought and planning to get things accomplished in a timely manner.
I have almost completed the painting phase of the studio update. I will set a time in the near future for the dedication ceremony and invite a select few to join me in rededicating it's work to the Lord. I have yearned to be in here playing and writing and producing and now at long last it seems to be on the horizon.
Pray with me, if you will, that I have more and more doors opened to me to do the work of the kingdom as time winds down to our Lord's coming back.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

... in the meantime.

An effort to complete a task often takes more than one try these days.
I spent most of the afternoon on a project the other day and realized that it used to take only a few minutes to finish that particular type of work; but that was a number of years ago.
I turned 63 recently and the overwhelming reality that I can't do as much as I used to is hard to take. I have been so active in the past that it became second nature to accomplish a lot of things in one day and not think much about it at all. Not now. I have to measure out the efforts now. I tire more easily and I don't process near a many thoughts and ideas as I used to.
Age is a relative term, I know, but I don't feel any older in my mind; just my body. The aches and pains are numerous and for the most part a constant issue. I awake with many of the same ones I had yesterday and even find that a few new ones have "joined the club" for whatever reason.
This brings me to yet another thought. What happens next?
I'm not looking to check out anytime soon but if I do I'll be alright with it. God is the time keeper for me.
I'm just going to do everything I can in the meantime.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

...much too long

I have been away....
Away from the computers and the equipment and the noise and the hurry. It feels good to come back for a visit but I wont stay long. I like the feeling of getting away for a change.
Dianna and I have taken on a new job together. We are running a mobile home park for a couple that own property here in the OKC area. I like the changes of getting up early and actually doing physical labor for a change. I have been sitting for several years now and I really need the exercise. It has been good for my waistline, good for my mind and good for my pocketbook.
The websites just do not pay. I love doing them for everyone but it seems as though most people do not have the finances to keep them up and running the way they need, and for whatever reason, they just do not keep up with the things that make a website work to their advantage.
I have been doing some recording as well. My first love.... Music. I now look forward to the next project in that I will get to do some of the things I love so dearly and get paid for doing it. What a novel concept.
I apologize for my absence but I may take even more time away in the coming weeks. Don't give up on me. I will be writing as I go.... especially the Blog...
God bless each one of you.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

... seeing the challenges

The bright December sun is slowly falling in the western sky as I sit here at my desk and watch 2012 approaching like an unknown visitor at my door.
I haven't thought much about it but it is here; the new year has crept up on me again.
I never seem to be ready for it. It's much like the tax season. I dread it and then again I'm glad it's here because that means that Spring is just around the corner and I can look forward to the soft warmth of April and May.
I didn't do nearly as much music as I would like this year but I intend on fixing that. I have waited too long to do another project and I relish the thought of what I will put on this next one because I have a friend that will add greatly to it's composition. His evident talents and personality are very much what I have wanted in regard to the compatabilities of instruments and arrangements. Adding Robin to the mix will also 'flavor' the whole and more than likely produce sounds I haven't even dreamed of. It's making my mouth water just thinking about it.
I probably have ten or more songs that no one has really heard beyond the faithful handful of family and friends that always get the 'sneak previews' when they are written. I have even stashed a few good ones that only two or three people have heard so this promises to be a good one indeed.
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a blessed New Year.
Pray that the Lord of the Harvest comes soon.