Saturday, July 28, 2012

...and after the holiday

after the holiday?

[Written last year]

I had a holiday scheduled but I'm working anyway.

The rigors of the job keep me going a lot more than I had anticipated when I
decided to go in this direction but I'm not complaining per se, I'm just
'reflecting ' on what 'was' the case.

Before Jack's Answer I didn't usually get up until around 11 AM to start my
day. I would get coffee, go to the computer and check emails, and then decide
on what I thought was a priority for the day.

Now I wake at 7:45 AM and call Jack. He gets me started with whatever is on his
mind that needs to happen or he has already informed me from the night before
of what we will be doing. I still call at 8 AM either way. It has been good for
me in that I have to get up at a certain time each day and I start much
earlier. Instead of working until 11 or 12 or 1 Am, I am done and on my way
home by about 7 or 8 PM. I put in about the same amount of time, just in a
slightly different time frame.

Working for the other guy has it's ups and downs as you all already know. I
didn't consider some of these differences when I signed on, but I realize what
they are just the same. I can't just pick and choose what I do now; there's a
pattern to it and there are also deadlines that I haven't had to accomplish in
someone else's time frame. It's much more difficult. But in hindsight, that's
been good for me. I know I can do it now, I had just never put myself in that
'place' before.

Aren't we all supposed to be servants anyway? Doesn't it point that out in the
Word? We are told to make ourselves available for whatever has to be done and
be thankful that we have something to do and then go do it.

My office is in a church for now. I see so many people come and go. Most don't
have a clue as to what they will be doing in the next thirty minutes much less
what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. Do they consider these
things? I don't know for sure but I don't think so. If they do they certainly
don't show it on the surface.

I really enjoy motivated people. They have an 'aire' about them. They can talk
in real, complete sentences and make real sense. But for the most, I usually
hear disjointed dialogue with relatively no point to it other than a mostly
confusing circumstancial occurance that they are experiencing at the time. It's
all based on a crisis of some sort and their hands are always extended in an
effort to relieve the 'pain'; as if it's a bad migraine and you8 have some
'magic pill' to give them. The sad part is that it really doesn't matter what
level of society I am observing as this unfolds before me. They all exhibit the
same innate traits. Confusion is a well established and seemingly incurable
disease these days. Or is it just the ignorance that seems incurable?

I marvel. I'm not that smart but I do know that there are real answers out
there; but without a higher power that can come in and rectify the situations
we're all lost and without hope. We rely on our own wisdom to get us out of
trouble and fall deeper into it. Ignorance, pure and simple ignorance. All we
have to do is read the Word and do it. "Just do it", isn't that what
the Nike guy says? Why is that so hard to understand? It should be easy but I
find that I have a tough time following those same, simple directions on a
daily basis and sometimes have to go back to the source and ask for more and
more help ...a lot of the time. Remember I said I'm not that smart? I'm not,
but I do know where to get help in time of need and I've stopped doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We all know what
that equates to, don't we? Yep, it means you're nuts if you keep doing it!

Okay, I've ranted long enough. Back to the original topic.

I had a holiday planned but I'm working anyway.....

Changes to the changes

How do you know when something is really changing?
Some things are evident while others are not. I see changes in my grandson but then I don't. It's like he is two or three people all rolled up in that one little body. I see one thing then another and then still another. He is so intricate and delicate, and at times. a real pain in the you know what! But how I love him. He brings me joy and laughter and yes, sadly enough, much sorrow. I wouldn't par5t6 with him for the world. I know I'm supposed to be and make a difference in his life. I only hope I don't do any harm along the way. God help me.
 I have to go back to the 1950's and try so very hard to recall how I was feeling at that age. How was I acting and reacting and yes even wondering how everything fit together? I recall the prayer my Grandmother prayed over me in the back yard one summer night. Her ardent urging and staunch emotion still rings in my ears. Having died before I could apologize for all of the mean spirited things I said and did, I still feel the guilt of not being a better person for her to see and know before she passed. Pity that.

How very much harder it must be today. There are so many more choices and diversions and distractions.

It's a wonder the poor kid can even think straight.... if he does.
I think of what I had to go through and how I've turned out. It's a miracle of God. I should be dead twenty times over. But thank God for mercy, right? Where would we be without mercy? I can't leave out grace either. The two go hand in hand I suppose, but grace is so soothing and so welcome when it washes over me the way it does.

The hot summer days are upon us now and I have to be careful not to over do. I did over do last week. It has cost me a weeks wages and much pain and sleep. But I am better and looking for the end of the cycle that I have to go through to get back to where I was in the first place.

Changes.... how awful and how wonderful and how do we get through them like we do?

Friday, July 13, 2012

ahh... the sweet smell of success....

I am basking in the coolness of my studio right now.
I came upstairs to find it well below the 90 degree mark it has been for the past few weeks and said a little "thank you Jesus" under my breath as I entered the room.
I have been concerned for the equipment. It has been close to 100 in here on several occasions and I just could not stay for more than a few minutes before having to leave.
I knew the Lord had a plan, I just didn't know when it would all come together and let me get back to work on what I have gotten behind on.
I am so spoiled. Every time I need something, God comes to my rescue. I know I don't deserve it but He just keeps on blessing me. I owe him so very much and I know I'll never be able to repay it.
I will, however, do my best to please him.
It's so sad that not everyone sees him as a friend and companion.
I talked to a man yesterday that thought God was always punishing him because he had  done some bad things in the past and was trying to make up for it  by doing good deeds.
After we talked for awhile I was able to share how much Jesus loves him and only wants to do good things for him, not "strike him down" all the time.
 Too many people have a negative view of how God works.... they rarely seem to look at the good side and in reality, that's more prevalent than the bad side... by far.
At any rate, I did get to pray for my friend and now he wants to be baptized on Sunday.... Isn't that the coolest?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

...the joy of finding out.

I finally got something to work that had been down for awhile. I had built a form for a website awhile back and it just wasn't working. No matter how hard I tried, the crazy thing just would work. After several exchanges with the Tech I was getting discouraged to say the least.

Then the moment came when I realized what I had been doing wrong. I hadn't read the instructions all the way through and I had 'supposed' when I should have been paying attention to the script.

I wrote a post yesterday describing how people don't concentrate when I'm trying to help them and here I was doing the exact same thing. How funny. I needed to take my own advice.

too hot....

The temps in the studio are reaching near the century mark each day. I have to come when the weather is cool so that I can work on the computers  and not over heat them. The Ac has been out for over a month with no end in sight at this point. We are on our second compressor and it went down almost a week ago . The oil was spewing out of it and into the condenser outside.
I know God has a plan. I know that his wisdom is far beyond mine. I also know that I have to be in the right position for God to bless me with what I  feel needs to be done in the studio at this point.
I have recently committed to a long term project but now the chances for it's completion or even it's beginning seem to be dwindling.
What does one do when presented with such overwhelming odds? Pray and believe. When things look the worst I have to opt for faith and trust. There is just no other way for me at this crossroad in my life.
Pray with me, if you will that all will be done in Jesus' name and according to his will and purpose for my life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012's how hot?

What a day. I am getting up early to beat the heat and still ending up in it. Go figure. The temps are scheduled for almost 100 every day for the next several days with no rain in sight. It looks like a repeat of last year. I pray not.
I am getting along with the studio remodel. I anticipate the finish to be within ten days now and am hoping for the dedication to happen on the 6th. I don't expect a big crowd because I'm not inviting one. I only want a few special people to be there. I don't want to sound selfish or prudish but at times like this I am really looking to the Lord to bless it and that's all that really matters to me anyway. No malice here, I do want everyone to enjoy what we are doing.
I pray that the cool breezes find you in good spirits and full of joy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

... at long last

It has been quite some time but I am posting again. I have been working so much on the park that it seems to take every last bit of energy to do the physical tasks that it presents on a daily basis.
Having said that I am more determined than ever to keep the blog in existence and communicate on a much more frequent basis.
Life sets so many things in the way that it really involves a great deal of thought and planning to get things accomplished in a timely manner.
I have almost completed the painting phase of the studio update. I will set a time in the near future for the dedication ceremony and invite a select few to join me in rededicating it's work to the Lord. I have yearned to be in here playing and writing and producing and now at long last it seems to be on the horizon.
Pray with me, if you will, that I have more and more doors opened to me to do the work of the kingdom as time winds down to our Lord's coming back.