Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Sunrise

I awoke a bit early even though I still wanted to sleep on, enjoying the cool of the room as the fan hummed along. I had been up several times in the night, as usual, and I tried my best not to wake Dianna as I pulled back the sheet and slid out of the bed and onto the floor. She worries that I don't rest well.
My mind drifted to business and I immediately went online to see if a package I ordered would arrive today via UPS. Thankfully, it informed me that it would not. We are scheduled to go to my grand daughter's dance recital this afternoon and I didn't want the delivery person to have to make two trips.
What is it about dance recitals that I dread? I dearly love my little Kyleigh and would do anything within my power to please her, but I am certainly not looking forward to the hard chairs and the sqeaky, ill chosen music and the overly attentive parents desperate trying to show how talented thier child is. It wouldn't be so bad if they did say, a couple of dances altogether and everybody went home. But for some reason it seems as though the teachers somehow feature themselves as Spielbergs and Bruckheimers and draw out the performances as though it means better ratings with the 'network'. Does that sound a bit like Andy Rooney? My eyebrows are certianly not anywhere as garish.
Having said all that, I feel a little better; not that it will matter though when I'm sitting in that 'torture chamber chair' later on today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Working Blind

I set up another website yesterday. It was such a pleasure because it was for a super person. He doesn't think he's a super person but he really is. He's quiet, unassuming, gentle and funny. His new book comes out soon and he needs a website to promote and inform and I got to do it for him. Picture me with my thumbs in my suspenders with a big grin on my fat little face and you'll get a good idea of how I feel inside. I love doing 'kewl' things like that. I know it's because I have to do so many mundane things in the course of a regular day even though I have the 'kewlest' day job of just about anybody I know. I can chose to do this or that on any given day and no one tells me what to do , except my wife, and I kinda like that to tell you the truth.

Now, I know that there may not be anyone reading this right now, but sooner or later there will be and when that happens I want them to know how I feel about and this and that and I don't want to have to remember it until then and try to write about it in 'past tense'.

RapN Gran E will be coming to the studio tomorrow. It's been a few years since we finished her first project and she's coming back to begin the next one. I listened to the songs in short segments just to remind myself of some of the things we did back then. It was a neat walk through the history of how the songs 'fleshed out' and how each one took on a personality all it's own and became a 'song' instead of an idea set to music.

I am so blessed. I get to 'play' all the time where most people have to 'work' and even labor to make ends meet. For some reason God has chosen to put me in a place where I can 'create' and do all the things that come to mind; experimenting with sound and art and video. I once had to climb a ladder everyday and push a brush full of paint onto the outside of houses I didn't own. I longed for the day when I could do what I do now. That's a miracle you know. God's grace and favor. I owe him so much. Much more than I'll ever be able to repay.

Now, when you read this, remember that I am/ was thinking of how very fortunate I am and not about what I don't have. I think that's imnportant.
Be blessed

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome Everyone!

Hello and welcome to "The Words Dance". I was encouraged to create this blog for people like myself that are making an attempt to become better writers. I have written four books to date and have one published by Tate Publishing in Oklahoma, but that was a work for hire project. I truly enjoyed it in that it made me 'stretch' my writing skills a bit more than I was used to. I had to write from the perspective of a woman's point of view and she is from India as well, so that made for some pretty interesting thoughts to say the least!
Please feel free to jump right in and give any ideas, opinions or comments that you dem appropriate. I would truyly like to see a lot of writers take advantage of tis forum to express thier feelings, as I will, so that each of us can gain insight and hopefully a good amount of inspiration.
At any rate, thanks for coming by and I hope to hear from you soon.