Monday, November 8, 2010

...are we there yet?

I used to ask that very question when I was a youngster.
I was short for my age so I didn't have a very good vantage point to begin with, but even so I often wondered just how far we had gone on our long distance travels. We weren't allowed to sit on our knees so we could see out of the window. We had to sit like "little gentlemen and little ladies" everywhere we went. That meant that all we could really observe were the tops of the trees gliding past our backseat window or the long lines of telephone poles and the wispy West Texas clouds that seemed miles and miles away, high up in the powder blue sky.
"If you ask me that question one more time I'm going to stop this car and paddle your butt!"
How many times have you heard that said on a long trip? We used to see how any times we could get away with it before it was about to happen. I think we had it down to a science and used it as a tool to get back at the stingy people in the front seat that got to see everything first hand and rarely shared the good parts until it was too late.
"Did you see that, Honey?"
"Why gracious me, I don't believe I've ever seen anything like that; have you, Dear?"
Why no Love, I don't believe I have."
"Kids, did you see that?"
"Are we there yet?"

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