Tuesday, April 12, 2011

...what I find

I listened intently on the phone as the news came. I was taken back a bit but undeterred none the less. Things like this have a way of creating havoc if you let them and I wasn't going to be the one to tip over the apple cart, not at this particular time.
I know, I haven't said what the news was all about and I'm not going to either. It is better left unsaid at this point so that the testimony later can be even more significant. What I can say ids that I see God's hand on us all and it seems ever so enlightening that something of this nature can and should arise. Whom do I trust; God or man? I choose God. It's the best answer and it always works. Man is too unsteady and unpredictable to rely on. My own past is a testament to that scenario and bears watching all the more as this set of events unfolds and shows us what God has in store.
I only want what he wants. It's the only way to live, especially at this time in history. What with the world groaning and shaking and convulsing like it is, man doing anything and everything he can to add to the destruction with faulty concepts and ideas that seldom pan out to be anything more than conjecture and ignorance that seems more and more rampant; I pause to marvel at our stupidity sometimes. How is it that we don't learn from our history with all of its glaring mistakes and missteps? You would think that we would be much wiser than we are, but we're not. People are still falling for the same age old contrivances they have fallen for for centuries. The games just get a new coat of paint and a new name and still people go for the wrong things time after time. It's amazing really how gullible we are as a people.
I keep hearing about this and that genius and how smart some people are, but then I hear how someone has been taken in a scam and they wonder how could somebody do them the way they did them. It's almost laughable when you get right down to it. We set ourselves up for failure by not seeking the face of God in what we do. The Bible plainly says, "our ways are not his ways and his wisdom is far above our wisdom". Why wouldn't a relatively smart person use that great wisdom to succeed? But no, we have do things "our way", we have to be the one to decide who, what and why and yet we still keep falling on our faces in the mud of life and wonder what went wrong... every time.
I know, I know, 'get off your soapbox, John', you're no better than the rest of us; and its true. I fall for the same lines over and over and wonder why I did it ... "again".
Alright, I 'm done. I'll stop griping and get back to work. I feel all better now and I'm putting on my 'big boy pants' and going on my merry way. I love it though, this wonderful world we live in. There are so many stories out there that totally fascinate me and capture my attention day after day as I watch what people do and say. There is no better programming; not on television, radio or at the movies. people will always surpass the writer's imaginations and act or react to what happens to them in marvelous, heart wrenching ways that grab you by the throat and choke all of the emotion right out of you in an instant. I certainly hope that I never go "blind".

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