Monday, May 16, 2011

"just...getting along"

"Can't we all just get along?"
When I heard that I marveled at the unique wisdom coming from smeone that hadn't really ever shown any wisdom to speak of in his personal life. Our concepts and precepts get mixed up in the everyday back and forth movemenets we so often catagorize as "takin' care of business". I wonder just how funny we look to the Lord when he sees us posturing and 'giving our opinion'. I have watched my mannerisms and language of late. How do I really come across to the ones around me? Am I revered or revolting? I pray it is the former. No one wants to be thought of as revolting, do they?
The sad news of my two freinds losing thier baby put a rather negative spin on what I have been doing here at the office. They have tried so hard to make everything work out and yet....
"Of All The Tears" comes to mind for some odd reason. It speaks about the lost that Jesus will cry over in the end but I thought of it because I know that Jesus weeps over our despair and my friends are truly despairing just now.
The weather is perfect and the mood of those around me seems bright and upbeat. How can they know that just across town there are two people deep in thought about the loss they have just experienced.
"One side's up and the other side is down".... that's from some poem I read centuries ago or it's going to be a lyric someday.
Anyway, here I am just watching again. Looking for the beauty that is surely there, looking for the meaning that is surely there, looking to the One that is surely there... 'just ...getting along'.

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