Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I really wish there was something we could do about hackers and their destruction of the Internet.
It seems like every time I turn around there is another issue to deal with, another virus, another Trojan, another vicious attack for no apparent reason other than the 'fun' of tearing up something that doesn't belong to them.
For instance, today, I came to work expecting to get a lot done on an important project we have going on a brochure. I clicked on the screen to what I thought would be a quick response to my command only to wait several seconds before the program opened. Not good. Anytime you have to wait that long for something to open you know that there has to be a problem somewhere. Usually I blow it off to the slow connection where I am right now, but this was much longer than usual and I wasn't even online. Like I said, 'not good'.
My wife has a virus of some sort that has even invaded 'Safe Mode'. I tried to run the clean up tools I have been successfully using for months without a hitch and they did virtually nothing. This must be a whopper of a virus. My programs usually always pick up everything that it encounters.
Not this time.
But back to my original thought. There just ought to be a way to find out who these perpetrators of evil are and put a stop to this nonsense.
Now I sound like my grandmother did when I was a kid. She used to rail about the tyranny and the taxes.... I suppose I have gravitated over to the cyber arrea to set up my soapbox.
Anybody else out there see a solution?

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