Saturday, December 31, 2011

... seeing the challenges

The bright December sun is slowly falling in the western sky as I sit here at my desk and watch 2012 approaching like an unknown visitor at my door.
I haven't thought much about it but it is here; the new year has crept up on me again.
I never seem to be ready for it. It's much like the tax season. I dread it and then again I'm glad it's here because that means that Spring is just around the corner and I can look forward to the soft warmth of April and May.
I didn't do nearly as much music as I would like this year but I intend on fixing that. I have waited too long to do another project and I relish the thought of what I will put on this next one because I have a friend that will add greatly to it's composition. His evident talents and personality are very much what I have wanted in regard to the compatabilities of instruments and arrangements. Adding Robin to the mix will also 'flavor' the whole and more than likely produce sounds I haven't even dreamed of. It's making my mouth water just thinking about it.
I probably have ten or more songs that no one has really heard beyond the faithful handful of family and friends that always get the 'sneak previews' when they are written. I have even stashed a few good ones that only two or three people have heard so this promises to be a good one indeed.
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a blessed New Year.
Pray that the Lord of the Harvest comes soon.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

...on this holy day.

I sit here in awe.
The events of the past two months are so full of tears and laughter that I scarcely know where to begin.
I don't believe I have ever seen the hand of God so active. Then again I probably haven't paid nearly enough attention to him in that regard or I would more than likely have seen a lot more. Sadly, I tend to look too closely at the happenings around me and miss the bigger view that God considers as he moves among us to perform his mystifying works.
Today is especially quiet. I have escaped to the studio to make some overdue CD's for a group that uses my services on various occasions and I used that as an excuse to be alone.
I had invited Dianna to come but she opted to stay at home and get some much needed rest. I can't even begin to tell you how much she has accomplished in the past two months. I marvel at how organized she is in all of this chaos. She never misses a beat.
The day has slowly gone from dark to bright and is again growing dark as the sun retreats into the western sky. And here I am writing a little note to whoever will pass this way for a quick visit.
Merry Christmas my friends. I seldom have a day that doesn't include thoughts of each of you in one manner or another.
Love everyone around you as though you may not ever see them again....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

.... and to all a "goodnight!"

We just finished our Christmas play for this year. It was a real treat to be asked to be Santa; especially after reading the script. It didn't feature Santa at all. It was all about Jesus as it should be. We got to rehearse a few times but for the most, we all had to "wing it" to get through.Not that it was a bad thing because we didn't have to come back time and time again to walk through the play and have it get 'old' before e we actually did it.
I think the most important thing was the audience. It wan'ts huge but it had many that hadn't been there before and I like that a lot.
In the end one young girl came forward to receive Jesus as her Savior. That made all the hard work well worth the effort. When someone can see that they need Jesus it makes all the difference; not only in their life but in the ones around that person. They too have the chance to change when they can see the change that has occurred.
Have a blessed Christmas. I know that I already have.
I'll fill everyone in on everything that has happened in the past month or so once I get a chance to come to the studio more than once a week. We have moved and it has been a full schedule keeping up with everything but I know that it will settle in soon and I can get things back top normal.... maybe....
Love you all