Sunday, December 18, 2011

.... and to all a "goodnight!"

We just finished our Christmas play for this year. It was a real treat to be asked to be Santa; especially after reading the script. It didn't feature Santa at all. It was all about Jesus as it should be. We got to rehearse a few times but for the most, we all had to "wing it" to get through.Not that it was a bad thing because we didn't have to come back time and time again to walk through the play and have it get 'old' before e we actually did it.
I think the most important thing was the audience. It wan'ts huge but it had many that hadn't been there before and I like that a lot.
In the end one young girl came forward to receive Jesus as her Savior. That made all the hard work well worth the effort. When someone can see that they need Jesus it makes all the difference; not only in their life but in the ones around that person. They too have the chance to change when they can see the change that has occurred.
Have a blessed Christmas. I know that I already have.
I'll fill everyone in on everything that has happened in the past month or so once I get a chance to come to the studio more than once a week. We have moved and it has been a full schedule keeping up with everything but I know that it will settle in soon and I can get things back top normal.... maybe....
Love you all

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