Wednesday, April 17, 2013

... even the new car smell

The day began with a bad case of stomach cramps waking me from a sound sleep. Di had just recovered from the same symptoms a day or two before keeping her in bed all that day. I decided that I wasn't going to let it get me down if I could help it so I slowly pulled myself up and sat on the side of the bed. Sitting there for a few minutes to get my bearings before standing was a feat of its own.
Once vertical I accomplished the brushing of the teeth and viewing the scary face in the mirror and made my way into the living room. I thought about sitting down for a minute but that would have been a mistake. Instead I poured a fresh cup of coffee and went outside. I was greeted by a muggy, cloudy day, half expecting a downpour to begin before I could get to my truck.
My list of things to do has grown daily for the past two weeks. That meant deciding on what to do first, keeping in mind how I felt. My first thought was to go back to bed and be a "weenie" for the rest of the day but I had something I wanted to do that canceled that idea.
 i had picked up my  new computer the day before and I certainly wanted to get it going as soon as possible tom see what it could do. I had been waiting on this computer for several years. It is the first "new" computer I have ever owned since 1992 when I began fooling around with these things.
To those of you that enjoy computers you will appreciate what I have but for those of you that don't have any idea what comprises a media computer you  probably really don't care. Either way I can only say I was excited to get it plugged in and operating.
The day progressed but I was making slow progress in comparison to the norm. I got a sump pump working that had been out of service since last year and put it back in the storm shelter. Accomplishing something positive always perks me up, so I moved on to the next item on the list. Success again! I was on a roll!
It didn't seem like it but I worked through the day before I realized it was over.
That was my signal to shower and head for the studio.
Arriving just before sundown I unloaded the computer and had it up and running in less than an hour.
The new video card threw me a curve and I found out that I could only hook up one monitor for the time being because it has the new hookups in the back, so I had to settle for a single monitor. I began installing the software and settled in for the long run. I was racing a storm coming in from the west so I put in what I thought would be the most important programs and found them going in just right. I have had some real issues with installing programs in the past so this part of the process was most pleasant; not having any holdups.
I'm waiting for a large program to finish loading and I'll call it a day.
I have to stop at this point and give thanks for such a huge blessing. God is so awesome! He knows how to not only make us happy, He knows how to inspire. I dedicate this "tool" to the work that the Lord has for us to accomplish. May it serve us well and may we always remember how God made it possible.
I love it!
It has everything I asked for..... even the new car smell.

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