Monday, October 28, 2013

... progress can be made

I feel like someone sat on me... for a long time.
Have you ever felt crushed; just loaded down with the weight of the world on your shoulders? It is unpleasant to say the least. I would really like to sleep for about a month and wake up refreshed and ready to do battle but odds are I would still be right where I am now.
I have gone through a tough couple of weeks here. The work has been a disaster on more than one count and I find myself looking for relief yet finding none on the horizon.
I know we aren't supposed to complain and I don't want it to sound as though I am but aren't we also supposed to share our concerns and pitfalls with one another? I tend to feel better once I get something off my chest and down on paper for others to read and contemplate. The end result often brings a peace to the tumult. I could sure use some right about now.
I think we all like for things to run smoothly but just how often does that happen on a regular basis?
I have long strings of good and then the bad explodes onto the scene. I suppose that's life in the raw but I don't have to like it, do I?
Okay, enough negative.
I do have a praise report.
I have a new HD video camera. It is really kewl. I can now do some of the projects I have wanted to do for so long. The features are great and the picture quality is top of the line; especially in comparison to what I have done with the old camera.
Look for some new things to pop up on YouTube pretty soon. I really want to do a documentary on the homeless. It has been in my mind for such a long time now. I can almost see it playing out in my head; just the way I have envisioned it coming together. With my contacts downtown I feel that I can portray this mounting dilemma in such a way that will better inform the public. If I can accurately relate the message people will be able to grasp the enormity of the problem and where it is leading. I don't think anyone knows how dire it is out there except the people 'in the action' who are 'working in the trenches'. The negative percentages are growing at an alarming rate.Too many are just one paycheck away from the streets. We can do so very much if we will. It doesn't take nearly as much effort and resources as most people think. It only takes a few who truly care and some well placed resources and progress can be made.

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