Saturday, October 5, 2013

...there I go again... Soapbox!

The weather is fabulous today. It won't get over 65 degrees and the clouds are spectacular.
I spent the afternoon yesterday finishing the foundation pad for the new building... or should I say "almost' finishing. We have a few high and low spots here and there but for the most part it is there and ready to dig post holes and pier footings.
I put together a small crew of teens to do the digging and they seemed excited to get to do some 'man work' for a change and it turned out nicely for all. Dianna brought pizza for the snack and they shoveled right up to dark without a bit of hesitation.
I am about to add a good camera to the One Lord arsenal. It has been quite some time since we had a chance to do quality video and this will present the opportunity to do High Definition work. That moves us up a level or two in the pecking order, so to speak which suits me fine. I would rather be shooting footage and editing than digging post holes and pier footers any day.
I have, however, had a small issue with an old friend. He called last week and acted enthusiastic about being a part of the camera acquisition process I have found myself in of late. His promise of a certain amount encouraged me and I thought it good to get back in touch with him after almost a year. I had dealt with him in the 1980's and then again about a year or so back when I was working with the homeless mission downtown. He acted like he wanted to do a real project and get the homeless vets some help with a range of issues that seem to plague that sector of our society.
Now it looks as though he will back out and thus I will lose the chance to minister to him again. He needs help but I can't force myself on him ; that would only drive him farther away. His PTSD flares up on a regular basis and it takes him into some dark places; places I'd rather he not go.
That seems to be a more or less norm for some. The riggers of life catch them unaware and they sink into depression over and over again until eventually, the outlook becomes pretty dim. I worked with several vets at one time over an extended time period. However the opportunities to help have dwindled over time. I'm just not 'there' to be around them like before and the distance widens quickly when you're not 'around' to be seen and be accessible.
I want to do a documentary on the homeless. Getting the real story can be difficult but I know where to go to get the best shots and I think the right pictures will be more than enough to show how desperate the situation can become. If more people could see the 'real', I believe they would be more inclined to help. Too many times the 'generic' picture is put out there and it turns people off. The "PR"people try to 'sell' people on an idea and more often than not they only get a small portion of the real picture and that doesn't do anyone any good; except for the donation factories, of course.
There I go again... Soapbox!

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