Tuesday, November 5, 2013

...by the moment

I worked on some video clips today. Jack had been to the Fair Grounds in Stillwater selling Jack's Answer. While he was there he filmed some testimonies about the effectiveness of  his new product. We had also done some a year or more ago, putting them on his website. Sadly the new ones are poorly done with poor sound. I should have been there to help him do them. He had his stepson helping and he doesn't know anything about filming. I put a few of them together but I really hope he replaces them pretty soon. In my opinion they won't help him much.
I am gearing up to do a documentary on the homeless. I have wanted to do one for sometime and now that I have a proper camera I believe that I can get what I want if I do it right. There are many good places to shoot, but it will take some time and I don't have a budget in the bank to work with presently. An old friend is helping raise funds but I don't know how long that may take considering the economy. His enthusiasm is great. I helped him out back in the 1980's while we were still on staff at Jesus House. He has a real heart for the homeless and Vets, so I look for him to be pretty successful.

The weather has become an issue to consider. In one way it will help show the conditions that people have to deal with but it will also create a bit of a challenge while filming. We have had a good steady rain today and more on the way if I understand the reporters, but it is what it is.

I don't look forward to the holidays this year. Normally I have a way of 'getting through' them and enjoying myself but I can already see the dread on the horizon. The stores have all three holidays  on display at the same time. That's a first; and a disappointment to boot. I used to love to see the seasons change and with them the decorations. Now the merchants are combining the seasons in a sort of desperation attempt to increase their bottom lines.

The news gets worse each week. Revelation is coming into fruition by the moment.

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