Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How long....

I often ask the question, "How long....?" Yes, how long before dinner is ready..... how long before it's my turn at the take out window.... how long do I have to listen to that awful music? Yes, the 'how longs' had a place in my life that I was more or less unaware of until I caught myself saying it over and over in one day.
Isn't that a social issue? I wonder. I am more inclined to put it in the spiritual column for reference.
We look at things in many different ways but the "same things" are always going to be the "same things".

Merriam-Webster defines same as:
simple definition of same
·    : not different
·    : exactly like someone or something else
·    : not changed : exactly like an earlier version, event, etc.
full definition of same
1.  1a :  resembling in every relevant respect
2.  b :  conforming in every respect —used with as
3.  2a :  being one without addition, change, or discontinuance :  identical
4.  b :  being the one under discussion or already referred to
5.  3:  corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable
6.  4:  equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

iI'm inclined to agree with the set definitions. So why do we keep doing the 'same things' and expecting a different result? 
I I am ashamed of myself. I should have learned this lesson a long time ago and I would be so much  farther along, but alas, I am ignorant still.
Now.... how does one break free of this 'sameness'? One might think a considerable amount of drugs would reverse the process and 'enlighten me'. But no, I've already tried that path and it stinks.
All I did was wonder around in an ego crazed stupor; all the while thinking I was smarter. Not the case.
OKay, how about "Human Enlightenment Courses". That didn't work either. They only gave me a headache... far too much introspective for my taste; not to mention cost. Really smart people think up these courses just so they can retire in Florida ...or Venice. Not the way either.
Finally out of desperation I turned to an old book on the shelf. Though tattered and worn, I found it to be very new and awe inspiring. Yes, the very simple application of reading gave me far more than the most expensive drug or man made method. I gained reason and understanding and peace and comfort and I even lost weight. How funny.
You're wondering ? Be at ease. It was the Bible, of course. It was there all along. All I had to do was pick it up and open it.... no matter where, there were answers. There were methods to cure, reasons to be successful, avenues I never dreamed possible and yet... It was there in black and white for all to see and appreciate. Believe me I do. My appreciation has grown a thousand fold since beginning to read this book on a regular basis. The words come alive on the page and take me places I never dreamed possible. The words soothe and console, rebuke and reprove, turn me upside down and rightside up at the same time and I come away with a deeper 'knowing' of life than I could have ever imagined. 
As I got to the end I found a familair statement being expressed outloud in a sacred gathering.... "How long....?"

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