Monday, January 15, 2018

time and distance and space

The thought occurred to me that I hadn't posted in quite some time. How does one keep up anyway? We often run head long into the future looking at what is happening in 'the now', and missing what is actually going on. We travel miles and miles each day into our destinies unaware of the surrounding events we are experiencing. The world is swiftly decaying all around us and yet we miss the signs, even ignoring evidences that are so prominent they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. Why have we become so "dulled" and insensitive?
The 'programming' is taking effect. Decades of commercials and intentional misinformation repeating itself day in and day out until the results begin to manifest in diluted and desensitized feelings and actions. We no longer care with intensity or love deeply. Only our anger and our anxieties are increased exponentially by the droning of the 'programmers'.
Murder is an accepted and expected outcome today. Almost every television series promotes violence and bad behavior and or perverted lifestyles as 'the norm'. Our young are being bombarded with social media devices gorged with degrading curriculum designed to lower the morals and create 'robots' that conform to the message to the masses. Those of us who are thinking for ourselves are in danger of extinction as much as the tiger or the great elephant. "People poachers" are just as prevalent as the animal poachers in any jungle.
What is the answer? That's easy; God.
Every answer to every question every time is found in God's Word. Now, don't take my word for it. Think for yourself. Read the Word for yourself and apply what it says; then you'll have the answers to your questions.
By the way it's alright to question. That's how you learn and how you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.
Like I said, don't take my word for it. Think for yourself.

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