Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Circle of Life

 What does it mean when we say. "we travel in  different circles?"

I really don't think it's a good thing to go in a circle all the time or only associate with 'certain'  people. We were made to relate to and with each other, even if we differ on various subjects. The Bible instructs us to "be at peace" with each other and put aside petty bickering and self seeking.

Should we be going 'in a circle'?

I thought the best way to go was 'straight ahead, not looking to the left or the right..."

Is that left, as in policy and politics ; or right? Is that meant to keep us with blinders on, with the potential of missing something or making the wrong choice on a matter, because it was 'out of sight' at the moment of contact? 

I get confused with man's definitions. God, on the other hand has clear instructions and positive input that lends itself to my being comfortable in my own skin. The 'closed off' minds are a bother to me. Not that we should be 'open minded' and operate under the premise that compromise is best. No. But compensation is quite the other thing. If we compensate for someone's 'need' it makes us peacemakers. If we 'contend' about petty things it makes us controlling and hard headed; backward if you will.

I make myself do things that I would really rather do another way. But if I'm going to be humble, I need to concentrate on doing just that.

Our lives are so short and filled with experiences. We should relish each one and treasure those experiences and have a log of positive things to look back on and know that we're in the center of His will and not on the fringe or even totally 'out of it'.

I pray that my messages reach the hearts and minds of those in need of encouragement and comfort, and that all I say and do is in God's perfect will.

Blessings are coming. Blessings are essential to our being; our 'well being' if you will. We have to be on the look out for the evil one's devices. He uses us against each other to bring about strife and division that tears us apart; especially when we are about to have a breakthrough. Let our 'yea' be 'yea' and our 'nay be 'nay' and let everything else fall away like the dross in the fire.

Nothing brings or grows the seed of bitterness faster than misunderstanding and avarice. We  'must' love one another, no matter the cost to our egos and feelings. Cast aside all malice and bring yourselves under control as the Holy Spirit instructs and places knowledge inside our spiritman.

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