Friday, August 18, 2023

 Life offers many choices

What is it that keeps us from fulfilling our destinies? Are we being handicapped by some unforeseen enemy that launches a diabolical plot to render us speechless and helpless in even the simplest of settings? Yes, that's basically it. The enemy of our souls 'goes about as a raging lion' trying to bring us down to his level. He's a failure; always has been, and we should recognize that as early as we possibly can so that we can combat the villain and overcome.

Our wisdom is from the Lord. We derive our being from Him. We survive only because He grants us our next breath. Anyone that doesn't recognize that fact is in real danger. Not just in this world, but in the world to come. Denying doesn't undo what God has done, nor will it ever be possible to be the master of your own fate. God decides who lives and dies every day. unless you believe in the one true God, Jehovah, you have basically signed your life away to a fate and a future of eternal torment that wasn't ever meant for you. God designed Hell for the demons and their so called 'boss'. You weren't in that original plan. The ones that go there choose Hell by denying the existence of God and His saving grace.

Your life depends on your choices. Search deep into your heart and cast away everything else, for just a moment, except your question about the reality of God. He will answer that question if you truly listen and look for it. If you are really looking for the truth, you will find it by 'listening' for God's voice. Your answer may come in a song or in a sentence someone is saying that you overhear in a coffee shop or by reading an article in a magazine. God can speak to us in many ways. We just have to concentrate on Him and He will reveal Himself to you. That is a promise from the Bible. Actually, reading the Bible is a very good way to get the answers you are seeking about life and the reality of God. The Bible is a living organism. It comes alive as we read and leads us in the ways of righteousness and truth. It guides us and teaches how to overcome the enemies of this world in ways no other entity can. Not even the smartest person you know can out think or perform like God.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. His ways are not our ways. His ways are so much higher, deeper and knowledgeable than our ways. We are creations. He is the Creator. It is very wise on your part to find out if what I'm telling you is true or not; wouldn't you think?

I'm not trying to convince you, I'm trying to save you. The chances that you are going through something very important in your life right now, while reading this blog, that may well change to entire outcome of your life as you know it, is very likely. God often 'takes us places' so we can find solutions to our troubles when we least expect it. You may have been checking out blogs for no particular reason and here I am. Someone may have told you about this post and you took the time to look it up. A famous comedian uses the line, "Here's yer sign", as a punch line. Well, 'here's yer sign'.

I pray that you get the answers you seek. There's nothing worse than having an unanswered question plaguing your mind. It can keep you awake, it can distract you all day, it can depress you and discourage you to the point of giving up or giving in to some addiction. Don't let that happen! Seek the voice of God and you will find rest for your soul. I did and I am at peace now. I was tormented and defeated by what life had thrown at me , over and over again. I saw no way out and even considered taking my life to get past the torment. God intervened and here I am today, encouraging you to not give up, but to give God a chance to change your life for the better.

There are many choices in ones life, especially in today's world. The enemy of our souls lays out choice after choice that only takes us deeper and deeper into sin and failure. But God has a plan for your life. A plan that only has good things in store; if you trust Him and try His way. 

It takes time. Things don't get 'rosy' overnight. You will fight many battles but you will have the one true God on your side, showing you how to be a winner and not a loser. I encourage you today. I pray for your soul; that it finds rest in seeking the Lord. He is merciful and always forgives those with a sincere heart. 

Be a winner. Choose God. 

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