Thursday, March 7, 2024

Reaching but not there yet

 The overcast day brings on a moody atmosphere. I'm expecting showers later along the coolness the wet blanket of water brings as it lays across the yard and taps it's melodies on the roof above. How do we get along without the rain? It simply isn't possible. The nourishment to our souls is enough to long for it all the more.

Di 'talks' to me as she rides along across the city. I relish our verbal jousts and quips over the phone.  Siri interprets, sometimes, and we go back and forth for most of her trip. Her remarkable mind never ceases to please me. I love her so. I can always depend on her honesty even if I don't want to hear it at the time. I have the 'nail marks' of her sharp tongue on my mind, but it makes me a better man and I need that. Do we look for the easy way out or do we invite the battle and test our mental and spiritual strength against whatever 'enemy' we are jousting with at the moment? Erin Reagan from Blue Bloods said, "I like a good fight". I think I do as well; as she does. It knocks the rust off the bone and clears the muddled air in the brain forming fresh 'fodder' to fight over.

I have applied for several voice over jobs online recently. I would like to try my hand at it and get paid for doing what I so love to do for a change. Not much better incentive than money, 'eh what'! I get a tremendous amount of please, sure, from the videos and songs and promos, but it hasn't been very lucrative. Pray for me.

I think the tide is turning. I await the State of the Union Address in a little under an hour. We are really in trouble. 

(2 hours later)

The tone of the speech didn't surprise me much. It's easy to recognize ego when it's so evident. I could never understand how people could so easily lie with a straight face, but this man is practiced and determined and even lethal in his intentions. There's no wonder so many of our spiritual leaders are up in arms. I believe the devastation  has gone on long enough that things must and will change. The pendulum is beginning its move in the other direction now. God has been plain with His warnings. His Word does not return void and His way will can and will be made evident soon. We need to make sure we are on the right side of all of this or suffer the consequences of our own actions. Praying and fasting has never been more needed than it is now. 

Gather together my friends and pray for each other. Our fate is in our own hands now. The evil that men do is out in the open now and barely clothed with a thin veil of deceit. Even the most ignorant are saying, "Look... the Emperor has no clothes!".

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