Monday, February 26, 2024

'weather or not'...

 We all to often mistake the words someone says for something entirely different. 'Whether or not' we understand the words being spoken determine our frame of mind toward the speaker. My hearing has declined in recent years so I have a unique view when it comes to the spoken word, especially if the words displayed are contrary to what I hear. Common mistake among the elder generation as you know. However, sometimes it might have been better if what I thought I heard was the case instead of the actual. Our society is quickly declining in 'the spoken word'. We text a few letters and that substitutes for an actual sentence. How do ya'll keep up with all of that new lingo anyway? I'm confused.

 'I've fallen and I can't get up!' I long for the long conversations that used to occur out in the backyard over a cold glass of Lipton's with fresh mint. Of course, I remember things in a softer light than I did back then. For the most part, I was on the go and seldom still enough for those 'conversations' but I do recall those comfortable times.

We had a visitor today. Her trip was a welcomed occasion because she always brings wisdom and knowledge with her to share. Her ministry helps so many. I wish more people were aware of her gift and take advantage of it. Knowledge is so undervalued, especially life changing knowledge. I am in awe of the things people know. Truly a gift, the talents rests on them like a warm blanket in the winter time. Having the advantage of knowing what to do saves more lives than we know. God spreads His gifts about with a simple grace and those with a gift often don't realize just how many benefit.

Dianna is one of those 'gifted' people. Her gifts  and talents are many and yet, she acts as though it's no big thing. She just 'does' and praises others over her own accomplishments. What a marvelous trait. So 'whether or not' you recognize the talents and gifts of those around you, it's well worth stopping occasionally to look around you and see how many talented people you know... and love

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