Thursday, June 20, 2013

... still waitng

I placed an order for a special gift for Dianna after seeing the commercial on television. This special surprise is designed to make her job of cooking a great deal easier. However, if she doesn't have the product how can she perform this amazing feat?
It is now a month later and still no package. I have called the service center listed on the online commercial several times. The first call should have been sufficient but unfortunately it hasn't been. Not only do I have to try to understand which East Indian dialect I am addressing over a poor phone connection, I have to listen to the same rehearsed answers each time. What is the definition of insanity again?
The commercial says that you will receive a tracking number within three days of your purchase; not so.
Now I am being told after the fourth call that UPS has finally picked up the package and I will be getting the tracking number via email "at any time now".
Had I known all of this I would certainly have handled this in a totally different manner. I would have searched out a brick and mortar store that carries this 'wonder product' and made the drive however far that may be.
In any case, I'm extremely frustrated that companies can exact these tortures on unsuspecting people like me.
I have ordered other products online and they have arrived within a week. What makes this one such an issue? It's for Dianna.
She overheard the last minute of the conversation with the saleslady and asked me."who's that?"
Of course I couldn't say, so  gave her a 'snappy ' answer, which went totally in the wrong direction. I received 'the look' and then the 'silent treatment ' all the way to church. She did say. "I don't see why you can't tell me who was on the phone...." I didn't agitate her further by giving her another 'snappy' answer, but I didn't get out of the dog house either.
As I said, it has been a month since placing the order. The 'surprise' has long since lost it's 'surprise appeal' and I get 'the look' when the subject surfaces. I'm determined to see this through to the end, whenever that may be,but in the meantime, you will find me.... still waiting.

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