Tuesday, June 11, 2013

... with what we do on this one.

I'm sitting in my chair in the studio listening to Phil put the 'Click drums' to the songs on the new project. They will set the tempo for what we eventually record. It's amazing to listen to him pick out a beat and then set the timing to the words.
His knowledge on the drum machine has already shown me his attention to detail. I am really pleased to have him as my Producer. He shared some ideas he has for some of the songs and I was pleasantly surprised at his creativity coupled with his sense of knowing the material.  If you ask most people what a song is 'about', they usually talk about the meaning of the words. To a producer the meaning of the song is all about the instruments and the arrangement. Phil definitely has 'the touch'.

He's only had the songs in written form for a week but he knows them and comments on what he "sees" in how he will accomplish the arrangements.
This time I will get to concentrate on the playing and the musical creating while he guides the project and adds input on instrumentation and voicing. I will help with mic placement and the acoustics. Up to now I have done all previous projects alone, deciding what to do when and how to present the material. I like some of the choices but not all. That's why I asked Phil to join me on this latest project.

This should be far and away the best one ever. The words are good, the tempos are good and the music has a sense of being right for 'such a time as this'. Many times Di and I have 'heard' the songs before we actually got them down on paper or found the chords. Sometimes the song came on stage right before a service and I had to then 'recreate' the sound and listen for the words after church was over. Other songs were birthed late at night as the Lord woke me. I would quickly put pen to paper often writing an entire song in only a few minutes. Sometimes I just get a small piece of the melody or a short phrase of the wording but I always know ..."here's another one!"

I love the music. A few sound a little country but I'm sure that will change once Phil gets the beats on them. Not that country is a bad thing, it's just that we're reaching for more of a praise and worship feel, especially on the two or three that were 'born on stage'. 

As you can tell, I am kinda "in to it". Pray for us if you would. We want to really please the Master with what we do on this one.

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