Friday, January 19, 2024

 "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party".

How many times have you heard that recently? In one form or another, the words ring true and sink deep into the spirit as we watch the news unfold around the world. The Bible is real and it is right. Every time we step away from God's principles we get kicked in the face with reality. The tried and true has been set aside by the 'nay sayer' and 'contrivers' using their power to deceive. I'm waiting for the move of God to surge right now. It's on the precipice, tipping toward change, radical change, that we haven't seen since the earth opened up and swallowed a whole bunch of people standing outside of God's protection. We HAVE TO get back on track here. The eminent danger is real. Everyone can see it but not everyone knows how to stop it. As Christians we have the tools in our 'toolkit' to stop all of this almost instantly. I know I'm not doing enough. How 'bout you? I've only just begun to speak up and speak out about this. Why did I wait so long? Why have I slept through the din of noise that should have awakened me from my stupor and been silenced long ago. The first time someone made a move to take God out of our schools we should have held a hanging. Harsh? Yes, and more. 

We can reference many times the judgement came suddenly, but not without warning. The Word said, "if My people , who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray...." But have we, really? Or have we half heartedly bowed our heads for a few moments to make a 'show of prayer' and then head to the fridge for a snack. 

Where is the sackcloth of repentance now? We're too proud to get our knees dirty. I fear for this land, the land I love so dearly. I will vote, but that in and of itself is not enough. I have to summon the courage, the backbone, to speak up and make my voice heard even in the distance. The more of us that speak up raises the awareness and the volume of dissent. "Louder!".... Just like at the football game. "Louder, louder.... we wanna win!" We have to stop playing defense and go on the offense for a change. Make a move and see what God does. He's waiting for His church to rise up and take back territory we've lost through laziness and apathy. Get out your soapbox and put on your travelin' shoes.... Time to march like the enemy does.... show out like the 'Rainbow people' do. Why do they get all the press? It's our turn to shine ya'll! God demands it.

"If you don't confess me before men I won't confess you before the Father..."

Enough 'rah rah', we have to be earnest about our beliefs. Evidently we don't believe God can 'do' anymore. Have we lost so much faith that we only 'hope' it will get better? That's not how God designed it. He put things in motion and inside of us that have real power.... not 'tv power'. We need to get this down in our 'knower' and know that we know that we know God is still on the throne and still running things. EVERYTHING. He doesn't work part time. He's a fulltime God and never sleeps nor slumbers. Our paths are already set. All we have to do is join the fight and begin to pay attention to that still small voice that beckons us into His presence. That the 'safe zone'. That's the answer to any and all issues.... Wars and rumors of wars, crime and violence and hatred and selfishness and anything else you wanna put on the list of 'bad for ya'.

Are you hearing me? Are you agreeing with me? Are you convinced that what we do is important? There are no 'lesser' parts in the body of Christ. We each play a significant role in the scenario; this 'dance of life'. YOU are important. You are essential in completing the picture of what God is doing here. He expects us to respond.

I'm convinced that we are on the verge of significant change. Every fiber in my being is aching with an anticipation and I don't know exactly what that means. I do know that these words swelling up inside of me are from Him. That's all it can be. I'm not prone to verbalizing this way. It's not in my nature to be the 'guy with the doom sign' standing in the crowd, ignored and seemingly of no consequence.

The sun is shining here. The coldness has somewhat subsided for the moment but it will return in earnest by nightfall. We will be dripping faucets and leaving cabinet doors ajar until the next temperature rise. Life goes on. Or does it? While I sit warm and fed and complacent in my spoiled brat state of being, I wonder how the rest of the world is. Are they thinking about tomorrow or just what they can find to eat today? It's ironic. We have such wealth and resources around us and yet we squander them on new clothes and internet connections and eating out 3 to 4 times a week while we throw away almost half of the food we do cook because we're bored with the same old steak and potatoes. Gourmet cooking shows are at the top of the viewing list. What used to be a 'cheap item' in the meat counter has quadrupled in price because some cooking show has highlighted it as 'the newest thing' to mix with broccoli and truffles. How gauche. Beans and cornbread, that's good.

I'm winding down. The winds of change have blown me off course. I'm not as 'in tune' as I used to be. My hermit personality is showing again.

Let's pray. Let's 'feel'. Let's come together like we used to and talk about things. I'm so tired of texting. There's no life in it. It's a stale exercise in procrastination at best. Looking into the eyes of the person across from you was once cherished as a privilege and a passion. Now we don't even look up from the 'screen' when someone comes into the room; too busy seeing what 's on Facebook. Sad.

I love you.

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