Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 I like the way God does things.... 

Not that it matters what I think. 'His ways are higher than my ways' of course, but it's pleasing to think that I am 'getting it'. I have really enjoyed my prayer time of late. Not that I didn't before, it's just that the 'being closer' factor has increased and there is a lot more 'presence' the closer I get. That equates to more power, more understanding and more of everything else that comes to mind actually. We suffer a lot when we are 'away'. At least I do. I feel lost, not unsaved, just at a loss so to speak. He completes me. Dianna completes me. She always knows what it is about me that makes me 'tick' and that what I think matters. Father is like that as well. It's hard to separate the two. She is so close to Him. You can feel His presence around her at times and I think I'm a little envious of that, but don't tell her.... she'll laugh.

 I went to a prayer meeting last night. It was for an outreach group that has been ongoing for about 10 years now. They formed a group to help feed people and I am amazed at the progress they have attained in that period of time. They have a building now and things in place to help a great deal of the needy in our community and the plans are still growing a more robust game plan as we speak. I admire that "Stick to it-ism" in people. Some give up at the first sign of adversity. These people seem to laugh at that. I see and feel their strength and the unity is quite inviting. It doesn't matter what denomination, they are accepting and genuine and open to ideas that move them forward.

 How extraordinary in this day and time. There are still a lot of 'warriors' out there that aren't easily defeated by a setback. They more or less see setbacks as milestones to success.

My computer went down on me yesterday. I think the enemy is trying to tell me something. I only have one screen and for a novice such as myself, its a real hindrance to what I'm trying to accomplish here. Dang it! There, I've said it. I am anxious when I'm supposed to be 'anxious for nothing'.... Am I still human? Oh No! Where's the man of steel now? Yuck.

These 'light afflictions'. When do they cease? Never. We just have to get used to being attacked and not take it like someone chopped off a limb. (Want some whine with that cheese?)

 The studio made an advance. I stuck some of the foam soundproofing up yesterday while I was awaiting the tech's response to my 'cry for help'. I'm such an amateur. It looks alright, sorta. I guess I shouldn't complain, I did make some progress in that direction. Anything to get the noise knocked down a bit. I drive Di crazy (in the next room) with all my palaver. It's been said, 'she can hear a mouse poot across the street', but I'm  not sure. Pretty close.

Our days are getting longer.... Yea! The Spring is about to burst onto the scene, or 'spring' onto the scene; anyway, I 'm looking forward to some warmer weather at any rate.

Reach out to someone you know today. Tell them you are thinking about them and reassure them how loved they are by all. It's a good thing to do. You'll feel better, they'll feel better. The whole world will feel better for it. Trust me.

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