Saturday, January 13, 2024


 The norm is not. The usual is not. The surprise is not. We have become so 'indoctorinated' ( I made that up I think), that we seem to accept most anything printed or spoken across the airwaves. I am ashamed of our government. We get a new version of 'the truth' almost everyday and it's easy to see that it isn't truth, just propaganda. When do we stand up to tranny? Today, maybe? Our rights are dissolving rapidly and I don't see many doing anything but complaining.... (Yup, that's me.... complaining). 

How sad. The youth have missed so much. Their brains are plugged into machines that are draining them of all of their energy and creativity and the sense of right and wrong. I think of 'the old days'  when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I went outside to play and not sit for hours looking at a small screen while my brain evaporates.

 This stuff is straight out of the Bible. Turn to most any page where it's talking about what will happen in the future and you're reading a current newspaper of the situation we're living 'right now'. We just have modern clothes on.

Now, not everything is gloom and doom here.... We have Jesus! He's the only hope, but we need to act fast. The doors are closing swiftly and the light is being put out by the darker powers. The only comfort is that we win in the end, but in the meantime we have to fight back or lose our place in the world. I know, we're 'just passing through"... The Word says to communicate with each other and shine the light of love and truth into the darkness, which in turn, dispels the darkness and brings understanding and life and harmony and a lot of other positive and much needed things to the fore.

I know, it's been far too long that I have been here. I haven't been able to get on here for a bit, but I'm back and I hope the blog opens up for me when I need to write. It's frustrating to be 'shut out' and not get the answers to solve the issue.... God is good and I eventually overcome my ignorance and .... well, there ya go.... I 'doodit'.

I want to encourage not discourage. Exhortation is much better than tearing down the walls with negative verbiage. Wouldn't you agree? All you positive thinkers are agreeing....thanks.

Anyway, I just wanted to jump on and say, "Hello!" and send out a shout for freedom and the privileges we have left in this messy world we call home.

We are praying and fasting as a collective where I worship. I see the evidence of successfully praying and fasting in the Word, so I look forward to seeing the results of our efforts soon. Do you believe in prayer? I certainly hope you do. It's the only leverage we have against a wicked enemy out to kill us. I want to destroy everything I see as evil but I am reminded that I don't have that power; that's the Creator's job. I'm supposed to 'stay in my lane' here and be the good servant that pleases the Master and doesn't 'tick Him off' for getting in the way. I'm sure you all know what I mean.  ".... God, they are being a bunch of sinners down here! Don't you want me to bring down some wrath or something on them to make them behave?" 

Yup, you get it. We're better off watching the action from the sidelines where we belong as we praise Him and worship Him and stay out of the way.. yes? That doesn't mean we idly sit by and do nothing. We have to witness and share the Good News with the world, just not in anger or violence.

Okay, I've carried on long enough.... Time to get on to something else... 

Pray for me, please. I am studying to be a grant writer. I see so many that are worthy and yet, don't have the resources. If I can help that along, I believe I can be part of the 'big picture' and see the kingdom progress as the Master instructs. Pray for me and 'them' as I begin to search out the funders and successfully attain the needed approvals for projects He deems worthy. My little brain is struggling a bit with everything it takes to pull off a successful grant application, but I'm confident that Father will help me along. I think He's partial to the 'slower ones", yeah?

I see that I have a few 'followers'. I didn't realize you were there until the Lord pointed me in that direction on the home page. God bless you. Share these posts if you deem them appropriate and interesting. It would thrill me to no end to know that these writings aren't just babble from and old fart, but worthwhile tidbits that 'spark' the thinking mind. 

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