Thursday, February 2, 2017

"Soon and very soon"....

What has happened? The media is awash with story after story of how badly the president is handling affairs and making decisions. 

How easy to see the 'twist' they apply to all of his efforts. Nothing goes unchallenged. How sad. He's doing what he said he would do and that will be better for the nation... all the nation. The depraved have shouted and stamped and wailed, but it won't hold water. God will prevail and most won't like it. 

I was reading in John. The words of Jesus make it plain what the liberals are after. They want more liberty to become more and more depraved and corrupt. We have to stand for what is right and for what God tells us to apply to our lives. Be strong my friends, stay the course. We will win in the end, but it means fighting tooth and nail for every step and every victory. That will make us stronger as well. We have to exercise our spiritual muscles or we will atrophy and die. Our job is simple. Look to the Lord, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We only have to trust and believe and see His handiwork come to pass.These are glorious days.... the end is soon and very soon.... Watch... be strong.... have faith and see the salvation of the Lord!

Friday, January 13, 2017

After awhile

I looked at the blog and realized it's been forever since I posted 'anything'. Not that anything I have to say has any relevance, but I do have an opinion. The craziness that constitutes our current world situation gives me ample fodder for my blogging, but I hesitate to go all out. That would be a little over the top, wouldn't you agree?
 Having a view that is somewhat restricted by location and access doesn't give me the best insight on 'now topics'  but I do try to stay ahead of the curve on information. Having said that, I have little confidence in the Media given their alliances and bias and so where does one go to get the latest and best Intel? Good question.
Have you been watching the news? Compare that to the book of Revelation. See any similarities? I do; and plenty. The Word also elaborates in many other places about 'the end times' and what will come down as they approach, even putting them in order of occurrence. Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
The answers are pretty evident once you put all of these 'facts' together and spread them out on 'the table' for a good look.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How long....

I often ask the question, "How long....?" Yes, how long before dinner is ready..... how long before it's my turn at the take out window.... how long do I have to listen to that awful music? Yes, the 'how longs' had a place in my life that I was more or less unaware of until I caught myself saying it over and over in one day.
Isn't that a social issue? I wonder. I am more inclined to put it in the spiritual column for reference.
We look at things in many different ways but the "same things" are always going to be the "same things".

Merriam-Webster defines same as:
simple definition of same
·    : not different
·    : exactly like someone or something else
·    : not changed : exactly like an earlier version, event, etc.
full definition of same
1.  1a :  resembling in every relevant respect
2.  b :  conforming in every respect —used with as
3.  2a :  being one without addition, change, or discontinuance :  identical
4.  b :  being the one under discussion or already referred to
5.  3:  corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable
6.  4:  equal in size, shape, value, or importance —usually used with the or a demonstrative (as that, those) in all senses

iI'm inclined to agree with the set definitions. So why do we keep doing the 'same things' and expecting a different result? 
I I am ashamed of myself. I should have learned this lesson a long time ago and I would be so much  farther along, but alas, I am ignorant still.
Now.... how does one break free of this 'sameness'? One might think a considerable amount of drugs would reverse the process and 'enlighten me'. But no, I've already tried that path and it stinks.
All I did was wonder around in an ego crazed stupor; all the while thinking I was smarter. Not the case.
OKay, how about "Human Enlightenment Courses". That didn't work either. They only gave me a headache... far too much introspective for my taste; not to mention cost. Really smart people think up these courses just so they can retire in Florida ...or Venice. Not the way either.
Finally out of desperation I turned to an old book on the shelf. Though tattered and worn, I found it to be very new and awe inspiring. Yes, the very simple application of reading gave me far more than the most expensive drug or man made method. I gained reason and understanding and peace and comfort and I even lost weight. How funny.
You're wondering ? Be at ease. It was the Bible, of course. It was there all along. All I had to do was pick it up and open it.... no matter where, there were answers. There were methods to cure, reasons to be successful, avenues I never dreamed possible and yet... It was there in black and white for all to see and appreciate. Believe me I do. My appreciation has grown a thousand fold since beginning to read this book on a regular basis. The words come alive on the page and take me places I never dreamed possible. The words soothe and console, rebuke and reprove, turn me upside down and rightside up at the same time and I come away with a deeper 'knowing' of life than I could have ever imagined. 
As I got to the end I found a familair statement being expressed outloud in a sacred gathering.... "How long....?"

Friday, January 22, 2016

Deception abounds

I am taking out time from my normal positive remarks to warn everyone about a very deceptive business practice being done by a company called Force Factor. I had responded to an email about a month ago regarding a supposed 'muscle building' product designed to build stamina and endurance. Since I work outside in the heat in the summer, I thought it might be worth investigating. I have suffered the loss of Potassium from being in the hot sun for many years and this product promised many positive results. The offer was for a " free sample"; all I had to pay was a small 'processing' fee of under $5.
I paid the asking price with my debit card and thought the matter was settled. I would await the arrival of the sample, try it out and hopefully begin the 'body building process' as described by the advertisement. The sample never came. The days turned into weeks and about two months passed. I checked my bank account a few days ago and to my dismay, Force Factor had taken $64.98 out of my account. I had read the advertisement, I thought, but somewhere in the "fine print" there was an something that gave them the idea they could just take an amount at a certain time if I didn't decline it in some way.
You can imagine how I felt. I was livid. I began looking up the company, which by the way wasn't easy. All I had was a code on my bank account specifying the amount taken and little else. After a bit of effort I discovered that Force Factor was indeed the culprit. I went to the internet and found a contact number to call. This is where things began to get even more infuriating and frustrating. The Force Factor answering system is a never ending sales pitch that does not allow the caller to get to a live operator. The message goes on and on often repeating the message over and over again.
I waited for almost 25 minutes with the phone on speaker as I tried to continue my work while waiting to talk to someone. That never happened. I finally hung up. my next approach was a little more successful in that I did get a response from some unknown person on the Force Factor Facebook page. I typed in my angry feelings for being deceived and a answer came in the next day asking for my last name and zip code; promising to help me. That was the end of that. Even after responding to their request, Force Factor did not reply with any information or resolution to the problem.
BE AWARE AND BE WARNED... Force Factor is very likely using deceptive business practices to take your money without your permission. It almost cost me $64.98. Thank God for Chase Bank They immediately returned the money to my account after a 5 minute phone call.

I will continue to inform everyone I know about this unscrupulous company and I can only hope that each one of you would repost comment this on your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. We have to stand up against such dishonest business practices. If someone has a real product, they certainly do not have to DECEIVE THE PUBLIC by hidden charges that come out of your bank accounts unannounced. 

Monday, January 11, 2016 sickness and in health

I can't remember the last time I was so sick. I was fine Saturday morning but by that afternoon I had passed out at least twice and was wringing wet with sweat after each trip to the bathroom to throw up. The dreaded flu bug had descended on our house with a vengeance. Dianna came down with it the Wednesday before and I thought I had escaped, but not so. This bug is devastating. My ribs are extremely sore and I have had a hard time keeping warm.
It may just be me or have the 'bugs' been especially rough these past few years? I have been spared the worst of it by far but still, I keep seeing and hearing about how bad this person was or how hard that person had it and it makes me wonder.
I can barely get out of bed and make it to the couch before I'm ready for a nap. I have little to no strength and I have had a small bowl of soup, a grilled cheese and some Ginger Ale plus a handful of snack crackers in the past 48 hours. I really feel sorry for the ones that have had this worse than I have. Dianna gave me a shot of Tea Tree Oil in some Ginger Ale a few hours before I got really sick. I think that cut my bout with the bug in half or more. Had we thought of it even sooner, I may not have even gotten sick at all.
Dianna spent the night on the bathroom floor when she got ill and didn't get out of bed for almost four days. I feel very blessed to have missed that ordeal. Even while I was getting so sick she was by my side 'doctoring' me and keeping me from falling and picking me up after passing out. I don't know how she does it. I could tell she was weak but she gathered enough 'whatever' to do what needed to be done hour after hour through the two days and nights of misery. There is no stronger trooper in my opinion.
"In sickness and in health...."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

I can't get my head around this....

The mass hysteria of the holidays has begun. I see the cars moving faster, darting in and out and acting more frantic in the shopping center parking lots. The shoppers have a quicker pace about them going to and from ther stores and scurry back and forth. No one seems to be at peace in this, 'the season of peace'. How sad.
I like to think back to a time of relative peace when the "Christmas season" started after Thanksgiving and ended on Christmas Day. People stopped to visit as they went about the Christmas shopping experience almost as though it was a great big party and everyone was invited and knew the other person; neighbors as it were even if they were strangers. It didn't have to snow or be all lit up with hundreds of sparkling lights. It was, well, "cozy".
The suspicions of the day have seperated us from each other. That and technology. So many are 'buried' in their screens, intent on whatever it is they are viewing and anythng elae is insignificant at best.
I recently watched part of a documentary on 13 year olds. I was amazed at what I saw. These young people have a totally divergent lifestyle. They 'live' on their phones. And to make matters worse, they ridicule each other on an almost constant basis. Now, to be clear, these youngsters don't reach outside of their 'group' to ridicule asnd slander and torment; they do it all within a tight circle of peers, tearing each apart in a terrible game of destruction. The examples were astounding. Trash talk and pornography, character assasination and deceitful language are the 'norm' for these young ones. How could this have happened to a whole generation of people? They are so disfunctional and self absorbed. What's going to happen ten years from now; twenty? I can't imagine the chaos as these people take up the leadership roles in government and social services and private companies that deal directly with the public. Seemingly, no one is addressing the issue in the schools for the most part. It's accepted as normal teen behavior. The parents are oblivious; engulfed in their own 'seperate' lives; texting....
I can't get my head around this.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

... still so true

It's been so long. I haven't even thought to write anything here; even knowing I should. We have been involved with so many things of late that the writing has taken a hit. I know I should do better and I even have several thoughts to pass along that are already written down; it's just a time thing.

How often do we take stock? I mean really look at the value of a project or duty or better yet, commitments? Have we taken on too many things and the burden is weighing on us like a rock in our pocket that  just won't go away?

I'm happier than I have ever been. The world around me is much smaller right now and I think that's a good thing for me. I tend to stretch out too far and over extend, in an effort to cover all the bases when I know I can't. But don't we all?
Our lives have so many options these days. There are far too many choices. People say choices are a good thing but I disagree. When the world puts so many things in front of us that we get confused as to which one is which, then there are too many choices. That's all there is to it.
Now I've said it and I'll have to stick to it..... Ha!

I trust that all is well wherever you are tonight. I am appalled at the course of events in Paris. So many dead and for what? No good reason that's for sure.

I know I keep pointing to Revelations but it's so true, so real and so right on time! The words pounce on me as I read them. Here is the daily news written thousands of years ago and yet, it's current news and still prophetic, still coming on strong, still coming about.... still so true.