Monday, January 15, 2018

time and distance and space

The thought occurred to me that I hadn't posted in quite some time. How does one keep up anyway? We often run head long into the future looking at what is happening in 'the now', and missing what is actually going on. We travel miles and miles each day into our destinies unaware of the surrounding events we are experiencing. The world is swiftly decaying all around us and yet we miss the signs, even ignoring evidences that are so prominent they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. Why have we become so "dulled" and insensitive?
The 'programming' is taking effect. Decades of commercials and intentional misinformation repeating itself day in and day out until the results begin to manifest in diluted and desensitized feelings and actions. We no longer care with intensity or love deeply. Only our anger and our anxieties are increased exponentially by the droning of the 'programmers'.
Murder is an accepted and expected outcome today. Almost every television series promotes violence and bad behavior and or perverted lifestyles as 'the norm'. Our young are being bombarded with social media devices gorged with degrading curriculum designed to lower the morals and create 'robots' that conform to the message to the masses. Those of us who are thinking for ourselves are in danger of extinction as much as the tiger or the great elephant. "People poachers" are just as prevalent as the animal poachers in any jungle.
What is the answer? That's easy; God.
Every answer to every question every time is found in God's Word. Now, don't take my word for it. Think for yourself. Read the Word for yourself and apply what it says; then you'll have the answers to your questions.
By the way it's alright to question. That's how you learn and how you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.
Like I said, don't take my word for it. Think for yourself.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

....that's what I'm talkin' about

The onslaught has begun. Dianna and I made a commitment to fast and pray in July but already, all hell has broken lose.
I worked on a video until almost 2 am last night for a ministry in India; everything was fine and dandy when I shut down for the night. All I had left to do was transfer the completed work to a thumb drive and deliver it. However when I went to turn on the computer this morning I got, "missing operating system" on the screen. The hard drive had failed. Now the computer has to be taken to the shop for a new hard drive and all the programs will have to be reinstalled. Many of you know what that entails.
Next, I went to remove my van seats to get them ready to go to the upholsterer. I couldn't find any of my deep well sockets anywhere. I ended up buying new ones to get the job done.
When I decided to take a break and have a cup of coffee, the Keurig overflowed and grounds went all over the counter. It's never done that before.
The enemy is definitely at work people. When you decide to get closer to God all of a sudden all the demons kick it up a notch or two, trying your patience and your resolve. I should have seen this coming.
My typical reaction is to say a few choice words under my breath and move on. I just had to laugh.
We're not alone you know. The evil one knows who you are and he is going to make our lives as miserable as he can, yes even killing some in the process if we give him the chance. Anything to keep us from our rightful place with the Master.
Joshua put it best when he said, "As for me and my house, I'm gonna serve the Lord".
That's what I'm talkin' about.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

...that's a commandment not a courtesy

We have to look at ourselves from time to time in the light of day and see who and what we really are becoming as modern day Christians. 
I have been feeling of late that the time has come to make some real changes in my life  and not just the easy ones we all would like to see happen that make our lives better. 
When the mirror sends back an image that isn't favorable we have the tendency to overlook the bad parts and concentrate on the better parts.
However, I haven't even been seeing any good parts lately. Sad.
I have always 'joined the fight' with enthusiasm and vigor but I find both waning a bit. Neither being enthused nor invigorated brings me to one conclusion. It's time for a change. 
I need to get down on my knees and concentrate on what God would have me do and not think about or do anything else until that comes about.
Tonight I stood in front of my church and unloaded on them in a big way. I don't know how they all took it but I had to say some pretty hard things, including some things about apathy and selfishness that probably sounded a little self serving or even egotistic, but it needed to be said.
Our lack of service and commitment has shown up in ways that puts us more in the light of being a social club than a ministry. Again, sad.
I know this post will be more of the same but I truly feel the need to speak up at this point and take more of a stand for my belief.
God intended us to be salt and light. Our words should reflect His temperament and desires rather than our own petty failings. We need to be conduit, streaming the good news of the Gospel of Jesus  Christ to anyone and everyone that will listen at any given moment.
What has become of the strident servants we once were? I include myself in that question.
We have to get back to the business of reaching out to the lost or they will die before they have the chance to repent and be saved. That's a commandment not a courtesy; our service to the King.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

....those that have eyes to see

I somehow bruised my right eye. It seems to have happened while I slept; self inflicted. So much for being graceful.
A number of years ago, I hit myself in the same eye while working at a refinery in Cyril, Oklahoma as an Electrician's helper. I nearly lost the eye, but God spared me, healing me completely.
The pain was severe then and significant now, but not nearly as bad. It reminded me of the original event and I then thought of the dozens of other incidents I have experienced that could have cost me a limb or a finger or some other important part.  All of those fights and wrecks and accidents loom large in my memory.
We probably have no idea how many times the Lord has 'saved our bacon' from devastating circumstances. Any number of scenarios come to mind when I take a little time to consider some of the possibilities. My over active imagination brings up some pretty crazy ideas. How about you?
We are so blessed. The Bible speaks about how the evil one is 'roaming about' in search of ways to 'do us in', but then our 'protection' goes into effect and overcomes the attack. Isn't that the coolest? I think so.
Now, when do we make the move to that next level? When do we begin to take back some of the territory the evil one has so often 'stolen' from us? We have that power you know. Jesus said, "you will do greater things....", because He went to be with Father and sent The Holy Spirit to 'teach us all things'.
I like that. I like the sound of having authority over evil and actually using it for good. Too many use their power to do evil, selfish things. We should be bigger than that.
And we  can be.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The past few days have absolutely flown by. How does one keep up in all this speed and spin?

I watch the news but it keeps circling like a revolving hotel entrance. It's as though I can see thru to the other side; the destination, but then things keep returning to the starting point and beginning again.
Like Yogi Berra says, "It's Déjà vu all over again".
Back in the day I would have sworn I was high on some drug, but this is a 'different high', if you will. It's not just with the news.

I keep 'seeing' things. By that I mean, before now, there were events going on all around me that would have had little or no impact on my thinking mind. It was about things that seemingly didn't matter one way or another and I would just 'pass on by' not knowing something important had happened. I would look back and marvel at my ignorance.
But now these 'things' register and I recognize them as significant events. Events that relate to the information that has been 'stored' in my memory. I now understand. Not like a child understands a lesson at school. It's an understanding that stems from a great strength.
Now what I have written here might sound like an idiot penned it, but I'm trying to make a specific point.
The Bible talks about The Holy Spirit. "The Holy Spirit will teach you all things....", and I know that's paraphrasing, but isn't that a pretty good explanation for knowing about something before it occurs and not realizing you know until it happens? This isn't the mystical arts or magic. It's a real setting for many Christians. Knowledge is a gift and God liberally gives gifts to His children.

I'm certainly not trying to 'teach' here. That isn't my calling. I'm trying to share an interesting observation that only recently has developed. Many times in the past I felt 'numb' for lack of a better term when it came to what was going on around me. Now I tend to sense the atmosphere around me and notice more of what is going on. There is a keenness, if you will in the air and it's refreshing as well as intriguing.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"Soon and very soon"....

What has happened? The media is awash with story after story of how badly the president is handling affairs and making decisions. 

How easy to see the 'twist' they apply to all of his efforts. Nothing goes unchallenged. How sad. He's doing what he said he would do and that will be better for the nation... all the nation. The depraved have shouted and stamped and wailed, but it won't hold water. God will prevail and most won't like it. 

I was reading in John. The words of Jesus make it plain what the liberals are after. They want more liberty to become more and more depraved and corrupt. We have to stand for what is right and for what God tells us to apply to our lives. Be strong my friends, stay the course. We will win in the end, but it means fighting tooth and nail for every step and every victory. That will make us stronger as well. We have to exercise our spiritual muscles or we will atrophy and die. Our job is simple. Look to the Lord, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We only have to trust and believe and see His handiwork come to pass.These are glorious days.... the end is soon and very soon.... Watch... be strong.... have faith and see the salvation of the Lord!

Friday, January 13, 2017

After awhile

I looked at the blog and realized it's been forever since I posted 'anything'. Not that anything I have to say has any relevance, but I do have an opinion. The craziness that constitutes our current world situation gives me ample fodder for my blogging, but I hesitate to go all out. That would be a little over the top, wouldn't you agree?
 Having a view that is somewhat restricted by location and access doesn't give me the best insight on 'now topics'  but I do try to stay ahead of the curve on information. Having said that, I have little confidence in the Media given their alliances and bias and so where does one go to get the latest and best Intel? Good question.
Have you been watching the news? Compare that to the book of Revelation. See any similarities? I do; and plenty. The Word also elaborates in many other places about 'the end times' and what will come down as they approach, even putting them in order of occurrence. Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
The answers are pretty evident once you put all of these 'facts' together and spread them out on 'the table' for a good look.