Tuesday, October 19, 2010

...long time no see

I have been a bit under the weather for awhile now.
It seems to hit me at the most inopportune times too. I got a sore throat and then my whole world went nuts. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stop coughing and blowing my nose and I couldn't sleep. It has been horrible. I would sleep awhile and then couldn't, I would want to get up and was too weak to stay up more than a few minutes. What a Wimp!
The good news is that I am recovering at last. My nose is still stopping up but I can rest a lot more than I was able to a day ago and that's progress in any man's book.
Speaking of books; I haven't written anything of note in months now and that's disturbing. For a writer, the pages need to fill up or something is definitely missing. Ideas are slow to come as well and when they do they don't seem to have the importance or 'spark' that I would like for them to have to make them worthy objects of my time. I suppose I need an inspiration to bring me around again.
I do have things to write about but most of them seem to be negative at this juncture and I'd rather have good thoughts in my head just now than bad.
With the family crisis looming and no jobs coming in, I just have to sit and wait on my Lord to settle the matters. I am determined not to get out ahead of him again. That certainly always leads to disaster.
The mountains were calling earlier today as I came out of our little apartment and saw the gray and purple clouds sitting about the landscape like so many lazy people all in a bunch. They weren't moving, just sitting there watching me cross the short expanse of lawn to the back of the church. I could all but see the Spanish Peaks looming before me in the distance, calling out for me to come closer, but I couldn't.
Later on in the day my friend from Walsenburg called to see how we are doing. How timely.
One thing of note to report; I got a call from a friend I hadn't heard from in months. He called just as I was turning over in bed, trying to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep.
"Hello, John... is that you?"
"Why yes, I'm here. Who is this?"
"It's Timothy Thomas. The Lord told me I needed to pray for you so I'm calling. Are you alright?"
"No, I'm not. Pray for me my friend, please."
The prayer lasted all of ten seconds and he hung up. He had been faithful to listen to God telling him what to do and I was the better for it.
Isn't that what we are supposed to do for one another? I do believe it is.

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