Saturday, July 16, 2011

... it must be getting better

I woke up late again this morning. It seems as though I can't get out of bed before 9:30 or 10 in the morning anymore. My body says, "Leave me alone... I'm not through sleeping! Go away!"
I have a lot to do, especially since I'm changing over to a new Hosting company and all of the sites need to be worked on before the switch. The learning curve thing is again right in my face, which I love, but it's a process. I worked on my email set up for two hours yesterday with the tech guy and we finally got it to work. What a hassle. It seems like its always the smallest component that hangs up the machine. Attention to detail really pays off if you're even just a little knowledgeable about what you're doing.
I have a friend that's helping me with the computer repair and maintenance. He's a genius. I only wish that he had more time to spend here at the office. I believe that we could really make a good online company between the two of us.
I don't know about you, but the heat has been horrible here. Our temps are running well over 100 almost everyday and I heard last night on the news that this may surpass the 1940's heat wave that was so terribly bad. I wouldn't doubt it a bit.
The Bible says we are in for some really rough times here at the close of the age of the Gentiles. Everyone is speculating about the Stock Market and the economy and the world in general. Everytime I read something in Revelation it's like reading a current newspaper. I pray that you are ready for the Lord to come back.
I hope to bring everyone news of our change of address soon. We have been looking for a house closer to the church and I believe that God has just the right one picked out for us if we'll only be patient and let it come.
Enough for now. I'll post more about the online changes as they happen. Things are going to be so much better. I am excited about what is possible as I look at it from my simple perspective. Pray that I stay in the center of God's will on all of this. That is my prayer.

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