Saturday, July 23, 2011

...and the heat just keeps on comin'

I awoke to the sound of a car on the driveway below. It wasn't the usual noise of rubber 'squishing' itself against the concrete and I wondered why I was being bothered so early in the morning and by who... or is that supposed to be 'whom'?
Anyway, I certainly didn't intend to get up that early.
I suppose you might say that I have become rather spoiled. For sometime now, the bedrooms where I have slept have been , for the most part, away from the street sounds that might impose themselves on my otherwise quiet and peaceful rest. And so , as I stood up and peered out, I realized that the bother had already made his or her way to the end of the drive and was long gone; leaving me standing there sleepily wondering why I had even gotten up in the first place. I should have known that I wouldn't have gotten a glimpse of the 'hot rodder' even if I had been at the window when they passed. Silly me.
I deftly retreated back onto the bed as quietly as I could trying my best not to wake my Di and promptly went right back to sleep.
Now you may be wondering..."Why is he telling me all of this?"
Well, isn't that the way of things? I mean, isn't it the little things that 'steal' our slumber? The small unimportant things that cause us to be awake for no good reason but always leave us without that portion of rest that might just make the difference the next day. Especially if you are rising at let's say, 5 Am of 5:30. If you're awakened at 2:45 and you have to get up at 5:30, you have broken your rest cycle and more often than not you never did get to what is called REM sleep; the most restful type of sleep; the sleep that refreshes and rejuvenates.
You know, I never realized that so much depends on how much sleep we get. Studies are long and varied on sleep and entail many different outcomes and medically classified 'isms' that are treated in various ways to remedy the 'ism' and get you back to sleeping better than ever.
I only bring this up because I spend an inordinate amount of time 'not sleeping'. For years I have been awake and then asleep and then awake again over and over, night after night. I don't know what they call it but I've got it. The occasional sleeper, that's me. I know there has to be a cure for it but God only knows how much it costs. I don't think I want to find out. After just one trip to the doctor a few weks ago I got a bill that will take me into the next millinium to pay so I'm not going looking for what's up with the no sleep thing.
Can you blame me? The medical profession has gone through the roof with it's costs. I have no earthly idea why it costs so much other than the fact that most of the people in the medical profession have to go to college for umpteen years and so they probably have to pay back all of those student loans. Go figure.
In summary, I just want to say, if you're needing a sure fire way to get to sleep... read this blog.

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