Thursday, August 11, 2011

...and it did what?

The doctor casually walked up to us as I lay flat on my back in the recovery room.
"How's it goin' 'Doc"?, I asked as he turned to look at me.
"Well to tell you the truth, I don't really know", he answered with a curious look on his face. His foriegn accent was understandable, but he wasn't exactly making sense either.
"What do you mean?", Dianna answered in return. She had been waiting all day to hear what the Angiogram revealed and you could hear a slight edge in her tone that probably would have gone undetected had I not been there. After almost 30 years, I can read her pretty well.
"Well, as I said, I'm not quite sure... exactly. You see, I just have to tell you that what I found was really quite rare. I've never seen it before and I don't know that I've ever read about it happening before, so what we have here is .... well, as I said, it's rare..." His voice trailed off slightly, but I knew he was going to continue.
"I must tell you that the two stents that were put in 14 yers ago are completely blocked. That's right, both of them are 100% blocked.... no blood flow whatsoever through that artery to the left side of your heart, but... the funny thing about it is, you still have good blood flow on the left side because, for whatever reason the right side of your heart has actually built a system of blood vessels over to the left side so that both sides of your heart have good blood flow. Nature has done what I would call 'a bypass' of sorts, ...on its own... and the interesting thing about that is... it had to be done before the stents closed off or you would most likely have experienced another heart attack and you might have even died."
I was speechless. The full impact of what the doctor was telling us didn't sinkin right away; at least not to me anyway. I think Dianna realized it immediately, but I was still a bit groggy from the procedure and it just didn't penetrate... not for awhile anyway.
The next day, however, I sat up in bed and the thought came to me that I could still breath, see, smell, feel, ...all of the things most people do that are alive. 'Yep', I was still here.
No doubt about it, the Lord had spared me once again.
Although I'm pretty sore yet, I feel as though I could run a marathon... well, maybe around the house ...if I'm really careful.
Now I know more thoughts will come as the next few days come and go, but I do have to say one thing. I'm a very grateful person. I mean, there's probably not many of us that have a custom made heart, done by the great Physician himself.
I'm feelin kinda special right about now....

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