Tuesday, August 2, 2011

...I think my change melted in my pocket...

It's going to be 109 degrees today. The weather man said there isn't any chance of rain for maybe two weeks. I know there will be an end to it someday but until then I plan on 'hunkerin' down' in the cool as much as I can. This is ridiculous! I hear that this will go down as the hottest summer on record in Oklahoma. I can certainly believe that.
Di and I have been painting the outside of our son's house in the mornings from about 7:30 to 11:30 but not today. It was already 95 degrees at 9:30.
I long for the cool breezes of a Colordao spring. If I had my way, I'd be on a mountaintop in the Rockies right now; looking down on a valley somewhere near Colorado Springs.
I recall last summer. My Mom was sitting out on the patio at my sister's house, watching one of the neighborhood squirrels dancing along the top of the wooden fence. I had just come downstairs looking for my first cup of coffee when I noticed the nicest cloud drifting toward the house. It's white fluffy texture hinted at the moisture it held; ready to drop it ever so gently on our heads. I stood watching the cloud in anticipation and sure enough, it began to rain. The refreshing smell scurried in as Mom opened the door, escaping the downpour, and lingered still, after the door was shut.
I thought, "oh how wonderful."
Just now I'm thinking,"how wonderful it would be if one of those clouds were to show up here and cool us off a bit with its soothing liquid."
Maybe tomorrow...or the next day.

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