Friday, August 19, 2011

...with the end in sight

I often wonder what other people do. I mean, what their day is like as opposed to mine.
I get up every day with cetain expectations in mind and try to follow a pattern, of sorts, without becoming too bored or over worked. I doubt if I can get over worked at this point in my life, but the possibility still presents itself from time to time.
I have to laugh when I compare the progress Di and I have made over the last week to the days gone by. We have been trying to help our son get his home ready to sell by doing a lot of painting and cleaning. I can remember when I did this sort of thing for a livng and how much more I achieved each day in comparison to now. That's why I said I had to laugh. There is just no way I could keep up with what I used to do. My efforts these days are quite small when placed along side the past.
But isn't that the 'norm'? I mean, isn't that a relatively expected scenario? After all, I am twenty years older and forty to fifty pounds heavier. The pendulum is swinging back now instead of forward. I digress a little each day and seldom achieve the goals I set out to achieve even though I try not to set too high a standard for myself. There is no sense in getting 'revved up' when the motor just doesn't do the same rpm's it used to do; now is there?
There is one thing I have noticed though. I don't get into as many dilemas. I guess I have learned a little from previous experiences and that's a good thing. I suppose I can say that I am a bit wiser than before, but just how much is still up fo debate. It would probably depend on just who you asked on that score.
Looking at things from a distance, I would have to say that I like the way things are turning out now far better than the way they did when I was , say, thirty. Back then I was still full of anger and resentmentment and guilt. The pendulum was swinging forward then and at a pretty rapid pace. My life has changed dramatically. I now try my best to see the other person's view rather than my own as things unfold around me. I like to think that I have mellowed somewhat. I'm not as apted to take a swing at whoever or whatever I have issues with now. That was the 'first line of approach' back then.
Isn't it funny how we can look back and see a different person altogether than the one we are now? I can't recall the last time I struck someone but I do recall many of the times I did. Now I look for the good in others even though I know it may not be there.
What's the old saying, "older and wiser"? I certainly hope so, especially at this point in my life. I would really like to be considered wiser. It just seems to be a 'much better place' than the one I came from.

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