Thursday, September 8, 2011

...the value of knowing.

I had to put my foot down. I'm not usually stern with my wife but she needed a little urging, as it were. She had been to the doctor for a stress test on her heart and came home tired. That was to be expectd but she also complained of a new pain in her knee. Having to walk on a treadmill at a fast pace will tire you out but it can also create some muscle strain in the process. This turned out to be more than that. The Bursa or cushion inside of the knee became inflamed and took on some infection and instead of taking my advice the first time she waited and ended up with Bursitis in the knee. I'm usually the one that has to be told more than once but not this time. She takes such good care of everyone else that she neglects her own health. That's just not good.
And so the reason I'm saying anything at all is to remind those of you that are like me.... totally spoiled, that you better take care of the one that spoils you or you're going to regret it.
Servants are just that. They live to serve others. Dianna would rather do something for someone else than for herself. She often leaves her own things undone to make sure that others are happy. I hadn't thought much about it until I began to look around and see all that she does. She not only takes care of me , she takes care of the two grandsons we have at home, the one grandson that lives elsewhare, the son nd his two children and wife and our daughter. That still leaves all the people at the church that she does things for including the cleaniung of the church , the whole church, one time a month almost totally by herself. and then there's the occasional other tasks that she takes on to be of service to the ones around her.
This amazing woman is the joy of my life, so just to be clear, I'm going to do all I can to make sure that she gets what she needs from now on. She has more than earned it and surely deserves it and I want the world to know how much she does for those around her just because she cares.
If there is someone you know that is like my Dianna, you better treat them right or you may turn around one day they will be gone.

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