Saturday, September 3, 2011

...oooch.... ouch....oh...ouch again.

I just finished moving from one office space to another. The move was only aboput 50 yards but it took it's toll on me anyway. I think I must have made 100 trips back and forth.... or more. That doesn't even count the trips that others made on my behalf, helping carry things like desks and boxes and lots of heavy stuff.
I didn't mind really. It was a big space with 7 windows and a view of both West and North; not that there was anything of beauty to look at it was just nice having that size and kind of view... and the light that goes with it.
I down sized by 3/4 probably, so now I have to find a place to put all of the 'extra stuff' I don't have a place for right now. What a hassle. I am the world's worst at storing. I either forget what I have or where I put it and I always have to go back through every box to find the item I am looking for. Why is it always in the last box you look in? Never fails.
The reason for moving is unique in and of itself. The person that had the room before me did not like it one bit that I got that particular room even though they had two other rooms and weren't fillng them up even 1/4 full with people. No sir. I was getting the coldest of shoulders and the dirtiest of looks even though I tried to be cordial. Sadly, the more I tried it didn't do any good whatsoever. The looks got worse as did "the muttering under the breath" as I walked past and the little "visits" to the room were the worst. I had my own Heat & Air unit for that room and so I controlled the temperature. But for some odd reason on certain days I would arrive to find that the temperature had been changed. The room would be in the 90's when I arrived and I would know that someone had been there to reset the thermostat, sometimes even turning it off.
When you run three , sometimes four computers at a time you know that the temperature has to stay below 80 degrees or you're going to have issues.
And I did. My biggest and most important hard drive suddenly burned up. It had all of the 14 websites on it. All of the websites' graphics and pictures and other information that cannot be lost. Needless to say I was a little upset when I found out that it had burned out due to the heat.
You may have been keeping up with our record breaking heat wave here in Oklahoma. We are over 60 days of 100 degree heat or higher. It is the worst heat ever recorded for the state.
Here's the thing. God knew all about it. He had a plan even before the hard drive went out. He knew just how to fix the problem and he knew just who to send to me, at the right moment, to offer the help so that my head didn't explode in frustration.
God is so good. What the Evil one meant for bad was turned around and made into a terrific testimony by the Great Creator of miracles. That's how I know he loves me. He's always doing things to show that love and in ways that only petain to me and my circumstances.
So when Pastor asked me if I would "mind" moving into another office I was ready with a "yes" and "how soon would you like me to be out?"
I really wouldn't want to be the other person. I used to be like they are. I used to try anything and everything to get "my way" and never thought anything about it until I got to know Jesus better. Now I want to be like him.... not them. "Much funner".

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