Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 I really get a kick outta life when someone asks me a favor.

I looked at my phone this afternoon and saw that a friend had reached out for a favor. She had a request for a letter of reference as to whether or not she is a good person. I was flattered that she would ask me to write something of this nature and I immediately began to think of how I would portray her; in the kindest of terms, of course.

Often times we see people in our lives as a 'type'. Their character traits are visible to a certain extent and we form an opinion about the person based on our observations. Some people 'act' a certain way to get people to think of them as 'this kind of person' or 'that kind of person', when they really aren't that way at all. They just want to be seen as a certain kind of person to improve their standing.

This friend isn't like that at all. Her heart is as big as Texas and she always considers others over what she wants or needs. A real and giving soul with a deep love for others. I have learned a lot from the way she treats the people around her. It would be a much better world if everyone was as kind as my friend.

Right now, I see her going through a huge trial that is affecting her deeply. The eyes are a dead give away. Publicly, she acts as though she's fine, but the truth is, she is hurting and I don't know how to 'fix it' for her. I do know that only God can intervene in matters like these and I ask Him to do so when I pray. 

We never really know what others go through unless they share their problem, and even then we can't really 'feel' what the other person feels unless we've 'been there', right?

Look at the ones around you that seem to be succeeding in life. What are they like? How do they handle issues, really difficult issues that can tear apart a family or bring it together. Now look at your own life. Are you succeeding? I pray that it is so. But if you're not succeeding, do you know why? Have you taken inventory and discovered the one thing, or the many things that are holding you back? Believe me, that is not an easy task. Taking stock of your own life takes courage and persistence to be sure. Many among us look in the mirror and quickly look away. Their conscience 'can't take the heat'.

However, when someone is truly seeking the truth for their lives, the door to understanding can be flung wide with only a few simple steps. Mindset has to be 'righted' like a wavering boat on the water. You have to get control of your thinking and establish a baseline of what's real and what isn't.

There are a lot of 'systems' out there that don't really work. Most of them are only designed to take you further down the rabbit holes of confusion so the 'salesman' can sell you a bill of goods. When the plan fails, you look at yourself in the mirror, again, and still turn away in disappointment. What a vicious circle.

Consider this. Get your Bible out and sit down in a quiet place and rest a minute or two until everything is still. Now you are ready to begin a simple but wildly effective approach to finding out and knowing truth.

Since the Bible is a living organism, a spiritual being if you will, you can talk to it as though it is a close friend that only wants the best for you. Ask God to 'speak' to you through His Word and begin reading. Where, you say?

A good place to begin is the Gospel of John. However, if you read the Bible on a more regular basis, ask God where He would like you to begin and wait until He answers. It won't be long.

Answers come by 'hearing' someone tell you the answer. Sometimes it 'comes to mind' and other times an actual person tells you or a song tells you or you read the answer somewhere. Make no mistake, God will answer your requests. That is why He made us. To have a relationship with us and fellowship with us and help us and.....

This approach often takes more than one try. "If at first you don't succeed..." There is no issue where God does not have the answer. He is the Creator, the designer if you will, of how we are put together. Who knows a product better than the designer and manufacturer?

Don't rely on man for the answers to your deepest questions. Man is just like you. We are all fallible and most are selfish and self serving, so take that into consideration when you really 'need to know' something.

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