Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 Well, it finally happened! I got the main computer up and running a few moments ago and I am delighted! It's been 3 months since I signed off to tear down the old studio and begin the dreaded moving experience. Every time we move, we swear we'll never do it again. I think this may be the last one 'fer sure'. 

Dianna has been up and running for two weeks or more and she still has yet to catch up. I honestly hope it won't take that long for me. Of course, I have a lot less on my plate than she does and certainly wouldn't want any of the daily headaches she puts up with...

I marvel at her resiliency. I watch her day by day, going about her busy routine and can't, for the life of me, understand how that girl does what she does. (I think she's a robot sometimes...!) Never misses a beat.... never misses a day's work and never seems to stop coming up with solutions to all but impossible situations. I think Marvel modeled their "Wonder Woman" after my wife.(Except for the bracelets)

Our new house is surely an answer to a prayer; or more like a hundred prayers. We are less that 5 minutes away from the church and that in and of itself is a major blessing. I think our monthly fuel costs were somewhere over $200 per month when we were going back and forth from Piedmont. Praise God!

The only thing at this point that bothers me is having to go through all of these boxes! Do boxes multiply when you put them near each other? I could have sworn that there was only half this many when we left Piedmont. They must be ma de out of rabbit skins.

I have so many ideas buzzing around in my brain on what to record first. Should I do the short children stories or the devotionals Dianna has stored up in her pretty little head? It's a quandary. I'll need to find the recorder pretty soon before I bust! It's exciting none the less.

There is a new website on the horizon. My friend Samuel Davis has commissioned me to build a site fore his ministry. He travels quite a bit and speaks across America and other countries about what he is accomplishing for Christ in Uganda. The results are stunning. He has seen 800 salvations from his last conference alone and plans for further expansion in the coming months . The programs are cleverly designed to bring success to formerly destitute people in his area. They have been plagued by poverty for years on end and Samuel , with the leading hand of God is showing real promise and hope to a large contingent of his countrymen and women.

The sun rises and sets and there is no change in the weather. We are in the peak of summer. 100 degree days are the norm until sometime next week when we are supposed to get some relief. I pray that it is so. Each time I go out into the heat it's as though I'm walking into a blast furnace. I do not know how people can survive without air conditioning. I suppose they get used to not having it and their bodies tolerate the temperatures . 

Those of you that pray, please lift up my friend "J". She is suffering from depression anxiety. I can so relate to that. I had a terrible experience when I was much younger that produced a deep depression. Feeling as though there is no hope, no way out; the worst thoughts travel through our minds in that state. Only God can save. Only God can heal these wounds, prayer warriors, thank God for you. Your devotion to lifting others up to our great Master is truly a wonderful gift and calling. May God richly bless your work and bring about the revival of hope in the ones in trouble in their mind.

I was up early this morning. Not a norm for me by any means. I woke and had the urgency to pray. I didn't know what to pray for, but I knew I had the need. After a few moments, I realized that I was to go to the Word and read. It feels good when the 'leading' comes. I should be more aware of those moments.

I opened up in Romans, where I have been reading for over a week now. The words sunk deep into my heart and I realized that our great gift has certainly come at a great cost for our Jewish brothers and sisters. Since God blinded their eyes for a time, we have been able to be 'grafted in' and made a part of the family of God by our faith and belief. Paul rambles a bit here and there, but I truly believe it's for a purpose. He's trying to get through our 'thick heads' and into the spiritman side so we can 'operate' as we were designed by the Creator. I so love understanding. The Word gets clearer and clearer the more I stay with it. The hunger grows and the knowledge presents itself in a way that even an unlearned person like myself can grasp these deep truths and precepts laid out by the Father for His children. 

I am a poor reader. I sometimes have to go back over the same passages time and time again to fully grasp the real meaning. It's easy to 'skim over' and get the general meanings, but when you delve deeper the results are deeper, the meanings are made simple and understandable and the end result is a satisfaction that God has 'spoken' to you in a way that you can relate to as a child does that accepts the father's guidance and love. How easy it is to love Him. A few moments with Him is everything.

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